Many potential facelift patients wonder when the ideal time in their life is to undergo this common cosmetic surgery.
The reality is that there is no “perfect” time to have a facelift surgery.
The time when you decide to have this procedure done will be when you feel ready and after you’ve consulted with a qualified plastic surgeon. A facelift Toronto residents will see and admire for its natural beauty is quite attainable if you choose to work with the right person—someone who truly respects you, listens, and wants to discuss your aesthetic goals with you in great detail so that you know exactly what to expect.
The offices of Dr. Cory Torgerson are fully staffed by trained medical professionals who would love to set up a consultation with you. You can reach the doctor at (647) 343-0207.
At What Age Should I Have a Facelift?
There is no right age for a facelift, and there are no laws that prevent people from having them earlier on in life. However, the majority of facelift patients begin considering this cosmetic surgery anywhere from their mid-forties to their early sixties and beyond. Before most people reach their fiftieth year, many rejuvenation techniques can be conducted that don’t involve having a facelift but are quite effective, ranging from dermal fillers to neurotoxin injections.
At the time that you feel ready for a facelift, a consultation with a plastic surgeon will be able to answer not only the most common questions, but also the questions that are related to your unique anatomy and aesthetic goals. You may also wish to consider having a necklift performed at the same time as your facelift surgery, as this can further enhance the overall appeal of the procedure. This is quite common. A facelift surgery is not a terribly long one as far as most surgeries go. Most patients can expect it to take 4 to 5 hours from start to finish.
What are the Pros and Cons of a Facelift?
Undergoing facelift surgery is a process that should be simple, affordable, and most importantly, effective. The natural aging process of the body takes a substantial toll on the face, but working with a qualified plastic surgeon who understands the underlying anatomy in general and has the experience and skills necessary to work within the confines of your unique anatomy will usually yield results that some patients have described as “magical.”
The pros of having a facelift include realigning your inner feelings of youth with your outer appearance; having a more natural, graceful look; and reducing the amount of unwanted or unsightly sagging, divots, or other undesirable facial qualities. The skin itself will be improved and healthier, and the volume (the amount of fat) underneath the face will be returned to its former fullness, which can make for a round and youthful appearance.
The cons of having a facelift might include the downtime necessary to recover (most patients are back to their normal routines within a few weeks), issues with incisions properly healing, temporary hair loss near the location of the incisions, and other minor but potentially visible scarring.
To more fully understand the potential pros and cons of having a facelift surgery, speak with a qualified Toronto area plastic surgeon.
Further Information
To learn more about how a facelift can restore your youthful appearance, please feel welcomed and encouraged to contact the offices of Dr. Cory Torgerson in Toronto at (647) 343-0207 to schedule a consultation at your earliest convenience.