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Eye lift surgery, known as blepharoplasty in the cosmetic surgery world, is a mega popular procedure in 2022. The increasing interest in eyelid lifting may be partially thanks to its reputation as a fast recovery and even, “scar-free” way to rejuvenate the eye area, banishing under-eye bags and smoothing away hooded, tired eyes in an instant.

But is eyelid surgery really that easy? And does it result in scars?

We’re going to highlight some of the benefits of eyelid lift surgery in Toronto (there are tonnes!) and reveal the honest lowdown on recovery time and scars. It’s true that blepharoplasty is an amazing procedure for men and women of all ages. Let’s see what it could do for you.

What Does Toronto Eye Lift Surgery Do?

Eyelid lift surgery can be done for your upper lids, lower eyelids, or both. The procedure involves removing a small ellipse of skin either close to the lower lash line or placed within the natural crease above the eyes. Your plastic surgeon may also address undereye bags by removing or repositioning some of the fat in that area. Likewise, fat pads over the eyes (think puffy monolid) can be adjusted for better contours and a more defined, double-eyelid look.

Incredibly tiny stitches close the incisions, and those thin lines are usually very hard to see once they have healed.

Eyelid Lift Recovery – It is Fast

People often worry about the recovery time for various cosmetic surgeries. They hesitate to take weeks off work or hide out while they heal. While some more extensive facial cosmetic surgeries do require weeks for swelling and bruises to resolve, blepharoplasty happens to offer one of the quickest healing periods.

If you have an upper eyelid lift, you can expect mild bruising and swelling for the first 7 days. The delicate skin around your eyes will feel sensitive and a little gritty on your eyes, and your vision can be slightly blurry until that inflammation settles. Pain is typically mild/irritating and is managed well with cool compresses and over-the-counter medication. No bulky bandages or dressings are required, but your doctor might give you a topical ointment to apply while the incisions heal.

Lower eyelid surgery, especially when combined with upper lids or when fat is removed along with skin, will take a little longer to heal. Gravity can make lower lid swelling a little more noticeable. Because the skin around your eyes is sensitive, you can expect some irritation and puffiness to stick around for a week or two longer.

How Painful Is a Toronto Eyelid Lift?

Thankfully, this procedure doesn’t rank high on the pain scale. Most people feel sore and swollen on the first night. Eye moisturizing drops, dim lighting, and plenty of rest will help.

How Fast Can You Return to Work After an Eyelid Lift Surgery?

The great news is, there’s no medical reason that you need to hide indoors or avoid work after the first week of healing. Sunglasses come in handy, but because incisions are placed strategically, they tend to hide well even when they are still pink. Most people see them fade dramatically by 1 month post-op, and they are virtually invisible when the scars have matured at 6 months. No surgery is scar-free, but eyelift scars can be close.

Make Recovery a Breeze After Your Eyelid Lift Surgery in Toronto

Sleep with your head and shoulders elevated roughly 35 degrees for the first few days.

Apply ice or cold compresses as advised by your surgeon for 5 minutes at a time throughout the first 24 hours.

Keep incisions clean and resist the urge to apply makeup before your surgeon clears you.

Have realistic expectations for your eyelift recovery. Yes, there is some swelling and bruising to contend with, and you must be patient for a few weeks. Satisfaction is extremely high for blepharoplasty patients, however. Overall, it is considered one of the simplest ways to surgically revitalize your appearance and smooth away the look of age or fatigue.

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