Table of Contents
- Dr. Cory Torgerson’s Facial Cosmetic Clinic in Toronto: your chemical peel experts
- Rhinoplasty in Toronto: Did you know your nose has a relationship with your whole face?
- How does the nose/chin balance work to create your facial harmony?
- What are the types of cosmetic chin surgery that may be combined with a rhinoplasty in Toronto?
- Why choose Dr. Torgerson for your consultation?
- Did you know the nose and chin were so closely related?
Each year, cosmetic surgery advances in incredible ways. Increasing numbers of ordinary people see their appearance beautifully transformed through corrective, aesthetic procedures.
Rhinoplasty in Toronto remains one of the most consistently popular choices for men and women of all ages. This surgery for the nose is designed to alter the size, shape, or other characteristics through the surgical sculpting of soft tissue, cartilage, and bone. You may already know that aesthetic changes to the nose can dramatically change a person’s appearance. However, do you know what affects the appearance of the nose?
Dr. Cory Torgerson’s Facial Cosmetic Clinic in Toronto: your chemical peel experts
Sometimes people are greeted with surprising news when they meet their facial plastic surgeon to discuss the desire for a nose job. You see, while many people are somewhat unhappy with the size and shape of their nose, they tend to overlook other facial features and their proportions and harmony with the nose. After all, noses are in the very center of faces, and for people who feel self-conscious or frustrated about their nose size or projection, it can be hard to consider much else.
The expert eyes of your facial plastic surgeon are trained to study and understand the relationship between all aspects of a person’s face. What they commonly find and share with their rhinoplasty patients is that their chin, in fact, is underdeveloped or recessed, causing the nose to appear more prominent than it really is. For this reason, chin surgery (also referred to as genioplasty or mentoplasty) is in higher demand for people seeking nose jobs. An interesting connection that these two facial surgery procedures share is that one will affect how the other appears. More often than not, patients stand to benefit from a procedure they didn’t previously know about.
Rhinoplasty in Toronto: Did you know your nose has a relationship with your whole face?
How does the nose/chin balance work to create your facial harmony?
What are the types of cosmetic chin surgery that may be combined with a rhinoplasty in Toronto?
Methods for chin augmentation
Careful measurements and adjustments can be made to implants before and during the procedure. Chin implantation tends to be less invasive and will have a shorter recovery time than an osseous genioplasty. The entire process takes between 30 and 45 minutes on average. The small incision will be located just under the chin or inside of the mouth, where it will heal quickly and be completely invisible.
Why choose Dr. Torgerson for your consultation?
The results that can be achieved through the combination of Toronto rhinoplasty and chin surgery are dramatic. Often, a person’s facial proportions and perceived attractiveness are so significantly improved through this combination that it has a reputation for being the most powerful “makeover” procedure in the field of facial cosmetic surgery.
Because people often don’t know much about the complexity of facial anatomy, they need to see a facial plastic surgeon in person to be examined and learn about their options. That’s why in-depth consultations are so crucial. Your ideal cosmetic surgeon will take ample time with you to thoroughly explain the procedure, the possible outcomes, realistic expectations, and drawbacks too. After all, they spent years studying these subtle facial characteristics, and they don’t expect you to know all about it.
Dr. Torgerson takes great care to ensure every patient feels well informed and listened to when discussing self-improvement through facial cosmetic surgery. The more you learn about the process and outcomes, the more confident you’ll be and satisfied with your result. During your consultation, Dr. Torgerson will show you images with examples you can relate to. He will also use 3D imaging to give you a clear picture of your expected changes. When people see how they’ll look with not only their dream nose, but also with the angle of the neck and jaw corrected, along with the size and projection of lower face features in harmony, they’re often completely amazed and incredibly excited to go ahead.
Did you know the nose and chin were so closely related?
That’s right. These features are all super friendly and connected. If you change one, you may affect them all. Just as a small chin can make the nose look larger, dramatically reducing nose size may cause other features to look bigger. Maybe this is part of your aesthetic plan, but your facial plastic surgeon is well equipped to help you consider all the factors. There can be exponential benefits to adding a chin augmentation or genioplasty to your Toronto rhinoplasty procedure.
What should you expect?
Depending on the specific work that is done for both the nose and the chin, recovery experiences can vary quite a lot. While most people will be advised to take a couple of weeks off work, the good news is that facial cosmetic surgery doesn’t tend to cause significant pain during the post-op period. Nevertheless, you should expect swelling and bruising that takes at least two weeks to subside.
Adding a small implant to the chin area will not dramatically alter your rhinoplasty recovery experience. More in-depth jaw surgery can come with a longer list of post-procedure restrictions and special considerations.
In most cases, the combination of two or more treatments will reduce associated costs, and the combined recovery time will be less than it would have been for each operation separately.
To learn more about your personal options and what Dr. Torgerson recommends to help you reach your facial goals, we welcome you to contact us and schedule an appointment today. The key to the phenomenal natural results that our patients love is the personalized planning and care that each person receives. Come in and tell us what you’re considering. We’re happy to answer your questions and plan a harmonious new look with you.