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Chemical Peels Toronto

A chemical peel is a non-surgical technique used to transform the texture of the skin.

Because our facial skin, neck, and hands are most often exposed to UV rays and day-to-day wear and tear, these areas typically begin to exhibit the visible signs of aging before other parts of the body. A Toronto chemical peel at Dr. Torgerson’s facial plastic surgery clinic is an effective way to rejuvenate the complexion and restore the vitality of fresh, young-looking skin.

During a chemical peel in Toronto, a topical chemical solution is applied to the treatment area that exfoliates the uppermost layers of the skin. As a result of this process, the skin’s natural renewal process is triggered, causing a boost in collagen and elastin production. Furthermore, as the surface layer of the skin is gently exfoliated away, skin abnormalities are reduced, revealing the fresh and healthy skin underneath.

Effective Treatment

Skin Concerns

A chemical peel is an effective way to treat a wide variety of skin concerns, such as:

  • Acne scarring and other types of scars
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sagging/aging skin as well as age and sun spots
  • Discoloration/blemishes and hyperpigmentation
  • Crow’s-feet
  • Sun-damaged skin and uneven skin tone
  • Enlarged pores and blackheads

Considering Your Options

Chemical Peel in Toronto

When considering your options for a chemical peel in Toronto, it is helpful to understand the different types of peels that patients choose and how they work.

Chemical peels are typically divided into 3 broad categories – light, medium, and deep peels. At Dr. Torgerson’s clinic, he and his team specialize in an individualized approach to aesthetics and offer a variety of light, medium, and combination peels that can be adjusted to varying strengths, addressing each client’s individual needs and goals.

Alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) is a mild type of acid used for a Toronto chemical peel. It typically affects only the most superficial layer of the skin. Because of its mild nature, it is typically well tolerated by all skin types, as it uses gentle exfoliation to treat the skin. This type of peel is best suited to patients looking to rejuvenate dull or tired-looking skin, fine lines, and mild acne. Since this type of solution is milder than others, depending on the amount of product applied and individual skin sensitivity, usually only minimal to no skin flaking occurs following the treatment.

Glycolic acid is another type of mild AHA that, when used in low strengths, usually results in no side effects such as redness or peeling. This type of peel is typically suitable for all skin types and ages, including sensitive skin. Glycolic acid peels are effective for treating fine lines, wrinkles, and acne by reducing the oiliness of the skin. The ideal candidates for this type of Toronto chemical peel are people who are looking for quick skin rejuvenation without any side effects such as redness and flaking.

More Options

Individualized Approach

Another option for a light peel is salicylic acid. This type also targets the superficial layer of the skin and is a gentle peel that treats skin conditions like acne due to its ability to unclog pores and treat oily skin. A salicylic acid peel is also an effective means to reverse the visible signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation issues. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, a salicylic acid peel is often soothing, not harsh, on oily and acne-prone skin.

A lactic acid peel is another mild type of AHA. Since lactic acid is derived from milk products, it is often called a “starter peel” and is ideal for patients who have never had a peel before or who have sensitive skin. Lactic acid peels help the skin maintain its ideal pH factor. Despite their gentle nature, lactic acid peels are still able to provide many of the benefits of other chemical peels. This type of peel is typically beneficial for mature dry and oily skin. Since it is one of the mildest and gentlest peels, more than one treatment is usually needed to produce optimal results. Lactic acid peels spaced around 4 to 6 weeks apart are usually an effective means to yielding the best results. Any redness or flaking experienced following this type of peel is typically resolved within 2 to 3 days.

Medium-strength peels include glycolic and trichloroacetic acid (TCA). These types of peels penetrate the superficial as well as the middle layers of the skin to exfoliate damaged, aged skin cells. As TCA peels are more aggressive than AHA peels, they provide more dramatic results. However, the recovery time for a medium chemical peel is longer due to the skin redness and peeling that occurs. These side effects typically last around one week. TCA peels are usually used to target skin concerns such as melasma, brown spots or age spots, sun damage, and some types of acne and fine lines.

TCA peels

TCA is a relative of vinegar, which when applied to the skin, stimulates collagen and elastin formation, resulting in stronger and firmer-looking skin with fewer wrinkles. Mild acne and scarring can also be improved with TCA peels. With its ability to unclog pores, TCA also helps diminish acne breakouts. When TCA is applied to the skin, it causes the top layer of cells to dry up and gradually peel off, revealing a new layer of smooth and undamaged skin. The fresh skin that is unveiled shows reduced signs of melasma, freckles, and blemishes as well as other skin pigmentation and tone inconsistencies.

The strength of a TCA chemical peel in Toronto typically varies in strength from 15%, 20%, and 35% to 50% concentration. The recovery period will depend on the strength of solution that is used, but it averages from 3 to 7 days. Following a medium peel, skin peeling usually lasts for around one week. It is normal for the skin to appear slightly red for the first 2 or 3 days following the peel. The skin that has been treated will likely be sore during this time, similar to a severe sunburn, and will feel tight and slightly warm or swollen for the first few days. Within 3 to 5 days after the peel, the skin will begin to peel off in small sheets or flakes.

Jessner Peel

Procedure Suitability

The Jessner Peel is a combination peel combining salicylic acid, lactic acid, and resorcinol. It is one of the most effective peels at removing the outermost layers of the skin. Due to the salicylic acid component, this type of peel is a particularly effective treatment for acne. The lactic acid works to perform a gentle exfoliation to address fine lines, blemishes, and wrinkles, whereas resorcinol dissolves rough and dry skin. Due to its varied makeup, a Jessner Peel is also an effective means of reducing pore size, removing blackheads, and assisting with the treatment of melasma. With its ability to boost collagen and elastin production in the skin, it results in smoother and more even skin tone. Additionally, the deep exfoliation factor can also address problems such as sun damage, acne, and hyperpigmentation.

Jessner peels are typically suitable for all skin types and can be customized to meet individual needs. They can be applied in multiple layers to amplify results. However, patients should be aware that the more layers that are applied, the longer the recovery will be. Once the appropriate treatment time has elapsed, the Jessner Peel can be neutralized with a special formulation that helps stop the chemical action and soothe the skin.

Although most chemical peels in Toronto are suitable for all skin types, fair-skinned people typically make better candidates for peels of varying strengths while people with darker skin often need to exercise caution, as stronger peels may cause pigmentation changes on their skin. People who have severe cystic acne, skin infections, conditions such as rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis or active herpes sores should wait until their skin has healed to undergo a chemical peel. Pregnant women as well as women taking birth control pills are typically not good candidates for a chemical peel and are particularly at risk of facial colour changes with the treatment.

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