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What Is Smooth Mode?

Smooth mode is a fractionated Er:YAG laser setting for the Fotona Dynamis SP Series machine

It gently rejuvenates the surface of the skin and the inside of the mouth. Smooth mode is used to treat soft tissues inside the mouth, the superficial layers of the skin, and other treatments like vaginal rejuvenation and urinary stress incontinence treatments. Areas treated by Smooth mode laser cause localized conversion of tissue collagen to increase the production of collagen and fibroblasts within the epidermal structures. This results in the softening of wrinkles and tightening of the skin while significantly improving elasticity.

Smooth mode results are natural looking without any downtime or pain in most cases

Smooth Mode

Smooth mode is also a great treatment for people who want maintain their plastic surgery results by preventing the formation of new wrinkles. Adults who want to increase their radiance in their skin can even benefit from a single treatment.

Benefits Of Smooth Mode Skin Rejuvenation

  • No downtime
  • No redness
  • No anaesthetic
  • No injection
  • No topical
  • Minimal discomfort
  • Short treatments
  • No post treatment symptoms
  • Non-ablative

What Can Er:YAG In Smooth Mode Achieve?

  • Gently resurfaces the skin
  • Reduces pore size
  • Enhances radiance
  • Smooths surface
  • Stimulates collagen
  • Increases tone
  • Shrinks treated tissues
  • Improves elasticity
  • Improves texture
  • What Areas Can Smooth Mode Treat?

    Cosmetic Facial Toning

    The Fotona proprietary laser handpiece is inserted inside the mouth with no direct contact to the walls of the mouth. The laser light emits pulses of laser to the surface of the oral cavity without damaging the surface of the skin. Treatments are comfortable and safe. Some patients may experience some heat during treatments. The practitioner treats the entire oral cavity, resulting in the immediate tightening of the nasolabial folds, mouth, and cheeks. Repeated treatments can reduce wrinkles.

    Intraorally for Snoring Reduction

    The specialized Fotona hand piece is inserted in the back of the mouth towards the back of the throat. Laser is delivered to the uvula and the soft palate to strengthen and increase the airway passage for easier breathing ability. Patients who snore or who have obstructive sleep apnea can significantly benefit from these treatments. A program of at least 3 treatments is required to achieve long lasting, enhanced breathing results with no discomfort or downtime.

    Surface of the Skin on the Face and Body

    Er:YAG with Smooth mode is an ideal treatment for people who want to gently achieve skin rejuvenation in a short period of time without any pain or discomfort. Smooth mode effectively treats and rejuvenates any part of the body that appears to have signs of aging. Common treatment areas include the face, neck, decolleté, back of hands, back, chest, arms, and legs. Smooth mode is safe on virtually all areas of the body!

    Who Is a Good Candidate?

    Patients who have realistic expectations in naturally reducing the signs of aging on the face, neck, hands, and body are great candidates for this treatment. Smooth mode safely delivers Er:YAG laser thermal energy to the skin’s tissue cells, conducting the production of collagen formation for the anatomical structures of the treated sites. If you are interested in revitalizing the skin on your face or body with Fotona’s innovative Er:YAG Smooth mode, then contact Dr. Torgerson’s Facial Cosmetic Clinic to schedule your consultation.

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