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What Happens When You Get Laser For Acne Scars?

Many people seek a dermatologist specifically for laser treatments to address the acne scarring commonly left behind after particularly rough break-outs.

Anyone who has struggled with acne typically has at least a few post-inflammatory marks left on their face and is often unsure how to get rid of them. Prior to engaging in any laser treatments, it is imperative to establish a consistent, high-quality skin care routine whereby new acne is prevented and old spots begin to be evened out. For minor scarring, this might be all that is required. For more damaged skin, laser treatments are recommended to get rid of the damage.

Highly Effective Treatment

How Are Lasers Used?

There are many different types of lasers that can be used to target the redness of acne scars, making them appear less visible. Intense pulsed light lasers, for example, target surface change, helping to turn the colour back to neutral skin, breaking up the darker pigments and allowing the body’s natural healing processes to kick in. Patients typically receive up to 5 sessions over a 9-month period. The treatment is highly effective. With such lasers, many professionals will advise to avoid sun exposure for a maximum of 6 weeks prior to any intense light pulse laser treatment.

What Does it Feel Like?

The experience of undergoing laser treatment can be compared with quick, hot flashes across the target area. Though a patient will feel something is happening, the laser sensation is not intense enough to require numbing cream, anesthetic, or even ibuprofen. In the hands of a skilled professional, the procedure is painless. As soon as you feel the tingling burn, it dissipates. Some may experience discomfort, particularly if the region that is being addressed is sizeable. If you require a break at any point during the procedure, that is easy to accommodate.

What to Expect After Laser Treatment for Acne Scars

No Downtime

There is no recovery time when it comes to using a laser to treat acne scars. There is no downtime. On the spots that were addressed, you may feel some warmth, but any soreness should be gone entirely by the time you check out at the front desk. There is no swelling, makeup can be applied immediately after if there is any redness, and you don’t need to be cautious afterwards about moisturizers and other skin care products because a laser does not ablate the skin. Full results of any procedure should become apparent within 6 weeks. However, there should be a noticeable difference within one hour of any laser treatment session.

Is Laser Treatment for Acne Scars Worth It?

If you commit to laser treatment targetting acne scarring, know that you will be receiving a highly effective, safe method of addressing skin issues. Any blemishes or hyperpigmentation that have been left behind after acne heals can be easily treated using this method. Also, the precision of a laser cannot be understated. It is a way to produce natural growth in the skin tissue, stimulating collagen development and using the body’s own processes to ultimately heal itself, providing an individual with new, healthy, natural skin.

If you are looking for more information on what to expect from laser treatment to address acne scarring, schedule a consultation with Dr. Torgerson: 647-343-0207. As one of Toronto’s top laser treatment specialists, Dr. Torgerson can provide a thorough skin assessment and can advise on the most appropriate treatment options for acne scarring.

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