Laser Therapy for Facial Wrinkles
It is no secret that we are all aging. Time marches on, and there is no magic wand that we can wave to change the date on our birth certificate.
While it is true that everyone is subject to the aging process, the irritation arises because we all age at a different pace. It can lead to despair when your friend still has remarkably smooth skin, but you have noticeable crow’s feet around your eyes and have developed significant lines between your nose and mouth!
Laser Therapy Can Be Accomplished In A Very Short Time
Improve Yourself
Many factors can have an impact on the condition of our skin: pollution, exposure to the sun and the elements, smoking, and whether you are disciplined enough to have a skincare regime. Even genetics plays a huge part in how quickly we age, including influences such as whether you have thick or thin skin or a light or dark complexion. Although there are a lot of factors that we can’t control in the aging process, there are definitely ways that we can improve ourselves regardless.
Laser therapy for facial wrinkles is just one of the procedures offered by Dr. Cory Torgerson at his Yorkville surgery centre. He offers several types of laser therapy and skin resurfacing to address both fine lines and deeper wrinkles. If you are interested in simply smoothing and tightening your skin, light-weight laser therapy would be recommended (AFT, IPL). If your concern involves deeper wrinkles that are not superficial, Dr. Torgerson would probably suggest one of the heavy-weight laser treatments (Erbium, CO2).
The beauty of laser therapy is that it can be accomplished in a very short amount of time. Within 30 minutes, a non-invasive laser procedure can be administered with noticeable results. The client can continue their schedule without interruption, as there are little side effects to the treatment. Even the most invasive laser procedure only takes minutes to accomplish, but 1 week is required for the healing process to take place.
Safe & Effective Alternative To Going Under The Surgical Knife
Satisfying Results
Laser skin therapy directs beams of heat to either the underlying layer of skin (dermis) or the top layer of skin (epidermis). Depending on the type of laser, low-energy or high-energy wavelengths are administered. When the dermis is targeted, the heat causes changes to occur. As the tissue heals, the skin is left smoother and tighter. When the heat is directed to the facial surface, the old skin is vaporized, and after healing, a fresh new layer of skin is revealed. With all types of laser therapy, whether the heat targets the dermis or epidermis, collagen production is aroused, and clients notice the glowing effects in their skin long after the laser treatment.
Laser therapy has grown in popularity because it provides a safe, effective alternative to going under the surgical knife. It is more inexpensive than traditional surgery and provides wonderful, satisfying results for patients.
Why not allow Dr. Torgerson to help you put your best face forward? Although laser skin therapy can’t change the date on your birth certificate, it can fool people into thinking you are much younger than you actually are!
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State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility
Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.