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To prevent blepharoplasty complications—or complications after any kind of surgery—the best thing you can do is to listen to the instructions given to you by your plastic surgeon and the other medical professionals you’ll be working with. That’s because those instructions will be specifically tailored to your precise needs. Because everyone’s anatomy is different, no two blepharoplasty procedures will ever be performed exactly the same, and no two patients will experience the exact same recovery process. Having said this, there are a few general aftercare suggestions that will benefit most patients. Let’s take a look at these recommendations so that you can enjoy the swiftest recovery possible after your eyelid surgery.

What Symptoms Can I Expect After Blepharoplasty?

Generally speaking, there are a series of normal symptoms that most patients will experience after having eyelid surgery. These will be fully discussed with you before you have the procedure during your consultations with a qualified plastic surgeon. In most cases, patients will experience light sensitivity and double vision, and in some cases, excessive tearing (“crying”) may occur. For this reason, activities that require unobstructed eyesight will likely need to be avoided (e.g. everything ranging from reading a book to driving a car).

Patients usually experience some degree of swelling and bruising for about a week, and the incisions from the surgery will most likely be sore. Despite this, most patients report that they “look worse than they feel” for the first week—pain is typically quite minimal. Aspirin must be avoided during the recovery process, though your surgeon may prescribe you a very mild pain reliever to help with the mild discomfort you may have. If your surgery involved the use of stitches, you’ll have to go back to your medical practitioner’s office to have them removed after 72 or 96 hours.

Post-Eyelid Surgery Aftercare Recommendations

While “bed rest” won’t necessarily be required after an eyelid surgery, in most cases patients will have to set aside at least 2 weeks to rest and recover. This varies from one patient to another and is highly dependent upon their unique needs and their surgeon’s recommendations, but generally speaking, patients will be provided with an ointment to help keep their incisions and the areas around them lubricated—this is important, as the eyes will move (even if the patient attempts to keep them still). You will also likely be given eye drops to prevent your eyes from becoming overly dry, though dryness should resolve itself within the first 2-week period.

While you’ll be able to move around and generally go about your business, any strenuous activities—particularly those that place pressure on the face—will need to be avoided for about 2 weeks. Any heavy lifting or strenuous exercise must be avoided as well as swimming. Bending over should be avoided, since this can place unnecessary pressure on the face.

How Can I Learn More About Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)?

Eyelid surgery is one of the most common plastic surgeries in the world. To learn more about blepharoplasty, how the procedure works, and how it may provide you with a more youthful appearance, speaking with a qualified plastic surgeon will be the first step to taking action. If you’re in the Toronto area, please feel welcomed and encouraged to contact the offices of Dr. Cory Torgerson, an award-winning Canadian plastic surgeon. The doctor can be reached at (647) 343-0207, during which time you can schedule an initial consultation to explore your options with this common cosmetic surgery.

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