


通过进行这种整容手术,面部特征可以变得更加平衡和和谐,并且患者的面部轮廓也将得到增强。 下巴植入物可以是独立的疗程,也可以与其他手术(例如隆鼻,下颌或颈部抽脂术)配合使用。 如果患者需要整体平衡,下巴植入物是寻求自然外观解决方案的绝佳选择。 在您进行咨询时,Torgerson医生将根据您的下巴或下巴量身定制最佳植入物的手术计划。

如果患者尚未准备好进行或者不确定要做下巴增大手术,Torgerson医生还建议暂时在下巴中使用可注射填充剂(玻尿酸)。 透明质酸(玻尿酸)是下巴植入手术的一种安全,自然,非手术的选择,通过临时安全的方法,患者可以快速,轻松地看到更加平衡的轮廓的实际结果。 要了解有关可选注射剂(玻尿酸)的更多信息,请单击此处。



患者可以与Torgerson医生合作,通过使用VECTRA 3D成像系统实现理想的目标。该系统创建患者头部和颈部的3D图像。外科医生和患者一起合作,以创建可视化图像,显示下巴隆起可以为患者的面部轮廓和整体面部平衡带来的效果。 VECTRA消除了下巴植入手术中的很多猜测,并确保患者和Torgerson医生共同参与手术计划并就预计的最终结果达成共识。








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下巴植入物有很多选择。 制成植入物的最安全,最常见的材料是硅树脂或Gore-Tex (膨体)。 植入物的形状和大小也很重要,应针对每个患者进行个性化设置。 在您进行咨询期间,Torgerson医生会与您讨论可用的选项。 同样,使用Vectra 3D成像系统,患者可以看到不同的下巴植入物形状和大小如何勾勒出自己的特征,并选择最喜欢的下巴植入物。


*所有美容手术患者都必须接受血液检查,胸部X光检查,有时还需要进行心电图检查。* Cory Torgerson医生会根据这些检查结果来评估患者是否身体适合手术, 可以确保他所有患者的绝对安全。


不,不应该会。 下巴填充后,您可以在纱布周围刮胡子,直到缝线露出为止。 之后,您可以按照常规剃除整个脸部和下巴。


您知道安大略省只有少数几家获得全三级认可的私家医院吗?多伦多市中心的Torgerson医生的面部美容手术中心就是其中之一。设施齐全的外科手术设施由安大略省内科医生与外科医生学院(CPSO)定期评估,并且始终超出期望。Torgerson医生决定开设自己的私人手术场所,以便为他的客户提供更好的护理。凭借自己挑选员工的能力,Torgerson医生可以确保患者从经过专业培训的护士和麻醉师那里得到最佳护理。客户可以根据自己的需要和日历来选择手术日期(而不是根据医院的开放时间)。私人手术中心也消除了预约的手术日被紧急手术的出现转移到另一个手术日的风险,这在医院中经常是这种情况。这可能会使患者感到沮丧,尤其是如果他们已经休假以恢复整容手术的话。患者无需在Torgerson医生的医院担心这一点。以下是CPSO报告中有关对Cory Torgerson医生的面部美容手术中心的评估的一些陈述:
Facial Plastic Surgery Quote


由于透明质酸可注射填充剂(玻尿酸)的普及,脸颊植入物变得越来越少。 可注射的填充物可以使颧骨具有相同的立体感和结构感,而无需患者进行手术。 有关更多信息,请查看Torgerson医生的“可注射填充剂 (玻尿酸)”页面。

但是,对于需要永久性颊颊植入物的患者,在口腔内切开一个切口,并在脸颊附近创建一个口袋。 植入物紧贴在此袋中,并缝合闭合切口。 用于下巴和脸颊的面部植入物具有生物相容性,无菌且通常由硅树脂或Gore-Tex(膨体)制成。


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Products Used for Chin Implantation

Many of our patients are curious about the products used for chin implant surgery. If you are considering chin augmentation, here is some great information about the implants used. We prefer to order our facial implant products from the companies named Implantech and Surgiform. Both companies provide superior patient facial implants – from mandibular angle implants to regular sized chin implants (small, medium, large and X-large). Chin Implants can be made from silicone or from a product named ePTFE. These types of implants are designed to provide controlled tissue integration. This means that the risk of fibrotic capsules are minimized and surgical outcomes are predictably more stable.

Cost of Chin Implant Surgery in Toronto

The cost of chin implant surgery in Toronto is around $6,000 plus applicable taxes. This price is just a general guideline and is subject to change over time. We know that the price of a chin implant can affect your decision, so we are pleased to offer financing through two reputable companies, Medicard and Credit Medical.

At our Toronto Facial Cosmetic Clinic, we are pleased to offer you a consultation where you are free to explore what chin implant options would best suit your profile and give you a long-lasting result that you’ll be delighted with. We hope you will call or email our office to schedule an appointment with the surgeon. We would love to hear from you!

Chin Augmentation Devices

The chin augmentation devices used by our Toronto Plastic Surgery Centre are designed to be more anatomically correct, closely conforming to the bone structure underneath and blending in nicely with the lateral jaw line and mandible. There are variations in types of implants to choose from. Some implants provide chin augmentation while tilting the chin up slightly, other styles can create more of a square, strongly defined profile.

Others still, address chin deficiencies in a 3-dimensional way or create a more horizontal projection. There are even chin implants that can add lower face fullness to help soften nasolabial folds, giving a more youthful appearance. With the wide variety of sizes and styles available, all cosmetic and reconstructive needs for the chin area can be met more than satisfactorily for our patients.

These implants are easy to insert and the chin implant surgery itself is quite simple and has a quick recovery. The packages and products are always sterile, minimizing the risk of a complication. You can visit the websites of both of these companies to gather more information about the chin implants offered.

State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility

Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.


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