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Asian Eyelid Surgery – Toronto’s Specialists Explain

Asian eyelid surgery is Toronto’s specialty cosmetic procedure for the eyes. Dr. Cory Torgerson, one of Toronto’s specialists, explains it here. With a substantial international population in this world-class city, our facial plastic surgeons have the opportunity to stay at the forefront of customized aesthetic innovations. This article will explain what you need to know about Asian blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), which is customized for precise aesthetic goals.

If Asian, or double eyelid surgery, is a mystery to you, read on as we share Dr. Torgerson’s personal experience and insights about this trending facial cosmetic procedure. Dr. Torgerson’s clientele spans the globe, and he’s much sought-after because of his dedication and focus on head and neck surgery.

Asian Eyelid Surgery

What exactly does it accomplish?

Regardless of the patient’s ethnicity, blepharoplasty techniques are fundamentally similar. The procedure uses fine incisions made in the eyelids to change the shape or contours of the eyes.

Asian blepharoplasty (also called double eyelid surgery or double-fold surgery) is trending among women and men alike who want to alter the shape of their upper eyelids specifically.

Fold Definition

The Asian eyelid surgery is unique in that it creates a natural fold on the upper eyelid where it didn’t previously exist, and scars are camouflaged within the crease. This procedure contrasts from Caucasian or other ethnic blepharoplasties because of the natural presentation of many Asian people’s eyes. While there is significant variation between people, many people with Asian heritage have eyelids that form one lid from lash to eyebrow. They may also have a series of tiny creases rather than one defined fold. Asymmetry is common too — sometimes a person’s eyes don’t share the same features.

Vision and Eye Size

If the upper eye region shows a protruding or hooded look, vision may be obscured, and the eye may appear smaller than the client would like. Asian eyelid surgery is designed to address all of these issues, opening up the eye space to look wider and creating an ideal double fold.

Revision Eyelid Surgery

Dissatisfied with their original eyelid procedure, many people require revision surgery. The pre-operative shape of the eye might differ appreciably from the post-op shape in these cases, and only highly experienced facial plastic surgeons should be enlisted to perform these complex procedures.

Are there special considerations for Asian eyes?

Lid Shape

As a general characteristic, the single eyelid often begins close to the nose at the inner aspect and may overhang the upper lash line. This phenomenon creates a hooded appearance and sometimes prevents the eye from opening widely like African, European, or other ethnic eye shapes. It is also common to see fat pads at the upper eyelid, obscuring the orbital bone structure.

Hooded Eyelids

Among ageing patients presenting with sagging skin, hooded eyes may progress more severely. While a standard upper blepharoplasty may be suitable to remove that skin excess, additional fat pad repositioning or double-fold creation often complements Asian eyelid surgery.

Makeup Application

The double-fold look is fashionable among people who want to accentuate their look using eyeshadow and eyeliner. Makeup, applied after Asian eyelid surgery, opens the eye to create a more dramatic appearance.

Crease Placement

The placement of a crease will be specific to ethnicity. Various fold heights appear optimal for different people. A typical European eyelid fold, for instance, will be placed much higher than an ideal Asian eyelid fold.

Protruding Eyes

Patients of all ages may complain of bulging or puffy-looking eyes, whether it involves the top lid, bottom lid, or both eyelids. Having Asian eyelid surgery tackles these issues under the hands of a skilled surgeon who can excise unwanted excess skin, crafting an aesthetically pleasing look. Going a step further, some mature Asian patients may choose from a range of techniques and outcomes, but the essential aspect in most cases is a desire to appear “natural”.

Natural Results

Altering the upper lids and removing fat or excess skin can all be done without erasing the distinctive Eastern characteristics of an eye or without having the appearance of plastic surgery.

A private meeting with a specialized Toronto Asian eyelid surgeon is the best place to begin a detailed discussion about patient goals and all the beautiful possibilities.

How does a surgeon perform Asian eyelid surgery?

A popular technique used for double-fold surgery is the partial incision method. The facial plastic surgeon will make a small 1-centimetre incision to create the crease on the upper lid. This minor incision allows sutures to establish and permanently set the fold. Once healed, the scar line will be very faint and well-hidden in the crease.

A less invasive technique involves suturing. Rather than making an incision, the double-fold is sutured into place. However, this method is not often the preferred one, as the eyelids can revert to their original shape over time.

What can I expect during recovery after Asian eyelid surgery?

Thankfully, Asian blepharoplasty is a relatively quick procedure and doesn’t require extensive recovery time. The eyelid skin is extremely delicate and sensitive, so just like any other facial surgery, patients can expect temporary bruising and mild swelling.

Within the first 2 weeks, most patients note an 80% to 90% decrease in swelling. Patients can usually resume a light work schedule after 1 week.

The greatest limitation while healing at home is usually resting the eyes for the first week after Asian eyelid surgery. You should avoid straining to read, watching television, or working on a computer. Your eyes may feel irritated and are expected to water in response. Cool compresses and eye medication may be advised. You’ll have your surgeon’s personal phone number to contact throughout your recovery, and you will be scheduled to follow up with us in the office.

Thankfully, Dr. Torgerson’s Asian eyelid surgery patients can camouflage bruising using a medical-grade foundation specially designed to conceal temporary, post-operative bruising. For example, the Color eScience Corrector palette boasts 5 shades with SPF protection. You’re welcome to shop in our online store or ask about these options when you visit us.

Why choose Asian eyelid surgery with Dr. Cory Torgerson?

To achieve optimal results, you’ll want to partner with a facial plastic surgeon who has a proven track record for success. Dr. Torgerson enjoys working with patients from all cultural backgrounds, and he specializes in delivering an entirely customized approach for each individual. No two cosmetic procedures are altogether alike. During your consultation with us, you’ll be free to ask plenty of questions and will receive detailed procedure information. You can browse before and after photos of eyelid surgery patients during your visit with us as well.

Contact us today for a consultation

During your information session, you’ll learn why the cost of Asian eyelid surgery in Toronto is considered a valuable investment for our patients. Your own approach, your own look, and results that you’ll love are just a call away. We look forward to meeting you!

State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility

Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.

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