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Cosmetic Laser Treatments

The introduction of laser into the world of facial cosmetic surgery has added an exciting alternative for people who are interested in aging gracefully.

For those who were perhaps fearful to undergo “the knife”, but who are hoping to stall the effects of aging, laser offers not only a solution, but a dramatic solution at that! The last 10 years have seen some exciting advancements in laser technology, and Dr. Cory Torgerson is pleased to offer these alternatives at his laser centre in Yorkville.

Alleviate Any Fears

Non-Invasive Options

Previously, laser technology was used primarily for surgical procedures, but now state-of-the-art equipment enables several non-invasive options for people who are concerned with skin defects as well as aging wrinkles. Only the most up-to-date, advanced laser equipment is used at Dr. Torgerson’s laser clinic, and it is only operated by him and qualified personnel. This will alleviate any fears that potential clients may have regarding equipment or unskilled staff.

Cosmetic laser treatments are divided into 2 categories: ablative and non-ablative procedures, which basically indicates the amount of downtime needed for the skin to completely heal and return to normal. One way to discern the difference is that non ablative laser methods deal primarily with the underlying skin tissues beneath the surface, whereas ablative laser treatments target the top layers of the skin. Because the top layers are visible, more time is necessary to restore the appearance of the skin.

Both ablative and non-ablative laser treatments are excellent methods of tightening sagging wrinkles and lines in the skin. Non ablative laser deals with superficial wrinkles, while the ablative laser treatment is excellent at tightening deeper wrinkles. Both laser procedures stimulate collagen reproduction in the client’s skin tissue by using different methods. This results in a brighter complexion as well as a smoother, more youthful appearance. Laser treatments are perfect solutions to a drab, lifeless skin colour.

Turning Back the Clock

Skin Resurfacing

Laser technology also produces amazing results for anyone who is concerned with skin imperfections such as acne scars, uneven pigmentation, sun damage, dark age spots, or spider veins. Laser has also been referred to as “skin resurfacing” because of its ability to remove these flaws.

Dr. Torgerson is pleased to offer both these state-of-the-art laser technologies at his private downtown laser centre. The non-ablative laser treatments are known as the clearlift laser or AFT (advanced fluorescence technology). Its other names include IPL (intense pulsed light), photo rejuvenation, or photo facial.

The ablative laser treatments offered are the Ipixel erbium, the Ipixel, and the CO2 laser (named as such because it uses carbon dioxide). It is also known as laser abrasion or lasabrasion and laser peel.

If you are concerned about the condition of your skin or are interested in “turning back the clock” in your personal aging, the best place to start would be to book a private consultation with an expert facial cosmetic surgeon and her/his team. Together they would be able to assess what method of laser would best target your areas of need and allow you to view before and after photos of previous clients who have chosen to take advantage of the exciting new world of cosmetic laser treatments!

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Non-Surgical Laser Treatment

State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility

Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.

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