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The Toronto Facelift: Is It Popular with Men Too?

Cosmetic surgery procedures are frequently associated with women, as traditionally women tend to be more concerned with maintaining their appearance than men.

However, as our society becomes more accepting of plastic surgery, more and more men are expressing an interest in cosmetic surgery and anti-aging treatments. In fact, since the year 2000, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of men choosing to undergo facial cosmetic surgery procedures. The Toronto facelift is popular with men too.

Objectives of Men Undergoing Facelift Surgery

What Is Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgery, technically referred to as a rhytidectomy, is an elective cosmetic surgery procedure that works to reverse common signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, and loose, sagging skin on the face and neck. During the face-lift, which is typically performed under a general anesthetic, the plastic surgeon makes a series of small incisions extending from the temple to the ears to raise the skin and tighten the underlying muscles.

An increasing number of men are requesting Toronto facelift surgery to accomplish one or more of the following goals:

  • Restore volume to the face, achieving a more youthful appearance
  • Eradicate wrinkles and excess sagging skin, improving the facial contour
  • Tighten the jawline by removing the excess fatty tissue that frequently develops beneath the chin
  • Target wrinkles and fine lines before they become pronounced
  • Boost confidence and self-esteem, improving personal and professional success
  • Adjust the facial features in a way that is both subtle and natural

How to Ensure a Natural Outcome

Unique Needs of Male Patients

To ensure a natural outcome that is as inconspicuous as possible, the incisions are strategically placed along the hairline or within the natural crease of the skin. Excess fat and skin may also be trimmed or removed using liposuction. Next, the skin is re-draped and sutured closed. Depending on the patient’s goals, the face lift may be combined with a brow lift or neck lift to achieve more consistent results.

Although men have many of the same goals as women undergoing face lift surgery, male patients have a number of unique needs. In most cases, male patients want to maintain or achieve strong facial features, which are considered masculine. As a result, the surgeon needs to use different techniques to achieve natural results that maintain the patient’s masculine profile. That is why it is crucial to select a plastic surgeon who has extensive experience working with male face-lift patients.

To learn more about this procedure and to determine your candidacy for a facelift in Toronto, we welcome you to contact our clinic today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cory Torgerson, a renowned head and neck plastic surgeon. As a leading facial plastic surgeon in Toronto, Dr. Torgerson has years of experience and a sophisticated understanding of the unique needs of male patients. After listening to your goals for the procedure, Dr. Torgerson will develop a personalized treatment plan. With his innovative technique and sharp artistic eye, he will ensure that you achieve the youthful contour and natural outcome that you desire.

State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility

Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.

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