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Lip Lift Surgery

Lip lift surgery is Toronto’s smile secret. It’s lesser known than some facial cosmetic surgeries, but the impact from this subtle procedure can be extremely satisfying.

Why seek a lip lift in Toronto? Dr. Cory Torgerson is your facial transformation expert. The technique that he’s perfected enhances the mouth and accentuates lips while balancing facial proportion. You could change the look of your mouth without implants, lip fillers, or augmentation.

Even the nose, cheeks, and overall facial appearance benefit from lip enhancement, and the downtime is so minimal, you’ll barely skip a beat.

If you’re curious about upper lip-lifting surgery or want to know what it involves, if you’re a candidate, or what to expect, call to speak with one of our helpful team members.

Toronto facial cosmetic patients are choosing this discreet tuck to perk up their smile

Lip Lift Procedure

You may know about lip augmentation, but did you know that there’s a fix for excess space between the nose and mouth, drooping, or a thin upper lip?

Faces show ageing in numerous ways. Some visible signs of stretching and collagen loss take the form of deep lines and wrinkles. A common change we think less about is elongation of the upper lip. While facial muscles and skin lose their elasticity and sag, the upper lip may extend slightly lower, covering the front teeth and causing the lip to appear thinner.

It’s one of those “hard to put your finger on it” changes. Many people don’t realize just how their smile has descended until facial plastic surgeons explain how a little lip lift will rejuvenate their mouth.

Dr. Cory Torgerson performs lip lift surgery to reduce redundant skin and elevate the upper lip. Although it’s far less invasive than many facial procedures, choosing a facial cosmetic surgery expert to perform your lip surgery is essential for precision and a near scarless result. When done correctly, patients heal fast, and the aesthetic outcomes are excellent for all ages and backgrounds.

As one of Canada’s most sought-after cosmetic facial plastic, head, and neck surgeons, Dr. Torgerson welcomes clients from around the world at his luxurious private surgical centre in downtown Toronto.

Are you an ideal candidate for a lip lift?

Lip Lift Surgery

Typical lip lsurgery patients are bothered by the position or shape of their lips. As people age, pink tissue may disappear as lips turn slightly inward. The skin over their teeth may lower too. Ideal upper lip measurements show about 2 mm of teeth with the mouth open.

Maybe your mouth has always naturally hidden your upper teeth completely or the skin has drooped downward over time. You’ll be delighted to know there is a fix for that. Removing just a little skin at the junction where the lip meets the nose could restore the youthful lip and tooth show that you’re missing, without any implants or fillers. Just pulling the mouth upward often reveals more pink and shows teeth when your mouth is open. You’ll be amazed at the difference for your whole face.

The best way to learn if a lip lift is what you need is to meet a specialist who performs it regularly. Expert facial plastic surgeons skilled in head and neck surgery can empower you to choose from a curated list of top options. At your consultation with Dr. Torgerson, you can make your decision pressure-free. Call to reserve your spot.

Lip Surgery Concerns

Toronto lip lift patients often share one or more of the following concerns:

  • The upper lip space is too large
  • The mouth has drooped over time
  • The upper teeth don’t show when smiling
  • The lips have changed with age
  • They want to improve lip symmetry
  • They want to increase the apparent size of the upper lip without implants

Men and women visit Dr. Torgerson for his expert opinion about facial rejuvenation options. Sometimes a consultation for facelift or other treatment reveals different or smaller procedures that can deliver dramatic improvements.

Dr. Torgerson will meet with you privately to hear your goals and provide honest, personalized feedback. If a lip lift is right for you, he’ll explain and demonstrate what you can expect from this procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions About Lip Lift

How is a lip lift done?

Dr. Torgerson performs upper lip lifts using a small incision following the bottom edge of the nose. A thin section of bullhorn-shaped skin is removed just below the nostrils.

The goal of the procedure is to minimize space between the nasal base and the top of the upper lip, known as the philtrum. Once incisions are planned and created, the surgeon can pull tissue upwards, then carefully suture it in place. The incisions are blended in with natural creases at the base of the nostrils.

The upper lip is also somewhat everted to show pinker mucosal skin, which creates the effect of lip augmentation.

Near-instant softness, fullness, and youthful position enhance the mouth and lower face.

Lip surgery is usually performed under IV sedation (twilight) with local anaesthesia and takes less than 1 hour to complete.

What is the recovery like after lip lift in Toronto?

You may expect temporary swelling and redness to last a few days in the treatment area. The mouth is sensitive, so delicate mucosal tissue sometimes holds inflammation for a week or two. You should expect to talk and move comfortably, and you can apply ice or a cold pack in short intervals as needed.

Dr. Torgerson provides all his surgical patients with his direct phone number to reach him with any questions or concerns. Our knowledgeable team will ensure that you have a list of precautions, tips, and instructions to help you heal quickly and comfortably.

Generally, patients take 5 to 7 days off to recover at home. You’ll see Dr. Torgerson roughly 1 week after surgery to remove stitches and talk about your recovery progress.

Once healed, the scars fade fast and hide so well, it’s nearly impossible to see them.

The First Step Of Your Journey Begins With A Conversation

You can select multiple procedures to inquire about

Toronto Facial Cosmetic Surgeon

Modified Lip Lift Surgery

The modified lip lift camouflages small lip lift scars with an endonasal incision that doesn’t completely cross the nasal base. Instead, the incision circles under each natural nostril crease. It also moves up vertically into the nasal mucosa of each nostril, where it will eventually be hidden from sight. A small, thin incision line crosses the centre columella just as it does with a rhinoplasty.

Get more natural facial cosmetic surgery results

Modified Lip Lift Surgery Results

Why modified? You won’t see a line running along the bottom of the nasal sill. This technique is sometimes called the “no scar” lip lift, because it would require very close-up scrutiny for anyone to see evidence of your lip-lifting procedure once you have healed. The most visible areas showing a scar line are reduced, so it’s far less obvious that you had anything done at all.

And isn’t that what everyone wants? Our patients want to look and feel attractive, with a proportionate and youthful mouth, but they don’t want to appear as though they’ve had surgery.

That’s why Dr. Torgerson has improved an already highly satisfying procedure, so the chance of nasal distortion, scarring, or other complications are minimized dramatically.

Modified Lip Lift Recovery

Quick and Easy: 30-40 Minute Procedure

After a speedy, 30- to 40-minute procedure, you’ll head home with a few simple instructions to follow. Your sutures will stay in for roughly one week, and though pink lines are seen while healing, they fade and lighten fast. The portion of the lip lift scar inside your nose will be hidden from view.

Why do our patients prefer the modified lip lift scar? They’re able to get back to life with a confident new look very quickly, which is also part of the appeal. Our modified lip lift allows for fast recovery, natural-looking results, and barely-there scars.

Lip Lift Restrictions

A few restrictions you may be asked to adhere to include these:

  • Eat only soft foods for 1 week.
  • Avoid opening your mouth wide (including yawning, if possible) for roughly 2 weeks.
  • Avoid swimming pools, hot tubs, or other sources of infection such as makeup applied to the area.
  • Avoid medications or supplements that can increase bruising like aspirin and some herbal products. (Ask your doctor to advise you about specific products you take.)
  • Avoid strenuous activity until healed or for roughly 3 weeks. That includes increased blood pressure, bending over, and heavy lifting.
  • Lipstick should wait until your stitches are removed and the incisions have healed, typically 2 to 3 weeks following the lift.

Lip Lift in Toronto

Can a lip lift be performed with other procedures?

You can certainly choose to add a lip lift procedure to a facelift, rhinoplasty, or other facial cosmetic surgery. Often the addition of this small but powerful improvement complements other facial procedures perfectly. Depending on your individual health picture and surgical plan, your surgeon may advise proceeding in a particular order or staging your surgeries.

Dr. Cory Torgerson has dedicated his surgical practice to fine detail and challenging facial plastic surgery. He views each patient’s desires and goals holistically and customizes his approach to restore confidence and harmony to their entire look.

Many of Dr. Torgerson’s patients choose a comprehensive plan involving both non-surgical and more invasive procedures for the most natural, lasting, and stunning results possible. You’re invited to talk with him about lip enhancement surgery to revive or complete your look.

Dr. Cory Torgerson

Schedule your consultation today!

Find out why so many people are catching on to this facial enhancement solution. It’s quick, doesn’t require general anaesthetic, and offers an impressively rapid recovery. It’s the maintenance-free way to transform your smile.

Whether using facial surgery or the artistry of injectable filler and aesthetic lasers, Dr. Torgerson’s team will tailor treatments that you feel comfortable and excited about.

When you visit us for your consultation, we’ll provide detailed information and answer any questions you may have to support your decision-making process. When you’re ready, our welcoming, state-of-the-art surgical centre will accommodate your treatment and our elite team will walk you through the entire journey.

We look forward to helping you love the way you look and feel. To find out what a lip lift in Toronto can achieve for you, call or write for your appointment today.

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