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Neck Liposuction in Toronto

Neck Contouring with Fat Liposuction, also known as submental lipectomy, is the correction of a double chin.

If you have a double chin with excess skin, fat, or muscle cording, a face lift and neck lift may not adequately correct the area. To address this problem properly, a neck liposuction procedure will be performed in conjunction with other skin-tightening procedures to produce the best possible result. This type of facial cosmetic procedure should result in restoring a more youthful, angular appearance and profile. Dr. Torgerson is a Facial Plastic Surgeon, which means he is a specialist in Head and Neck surgery. Because of his concentrated focus on these 2 areas of the body, Dr. Torgerson performs these sorts of delicate procedures on a regular basis and has accrued many years of experience.

Great candidates for neck liposuction are people who do not see this area of their body respond to diet and exercise the way the other parts of their body might. They also may notice that the deposits of fat diminish the appearance of their jawline, causing it to look like they have a weak chin.

Before & Afters

Dr. Cory Torgerson’s Neck Liposuction Patients

Enhance The Profile

How is Neck Liposuction Performed?

During neck liposuction, general anaesthesia will be used. The surgeon makes a small incision underneath your chin and removes the fat in this region. Dr. Torgerson may also cut or suture together the muscles that cause the bands in this area. The surgeon may also suggest adding a chin implant to balance the basic shape of the face. This can prove especially useful to enhance the profile of people with a receding chin as well as serve to reshape the jawline. Once the neck contouring has been achieved, the incision will be stitched closed.

The Recovery Process

Patients will be able to return home on the same day as the procedure. Dr. Torgerson advises his Neck liposuction patients to rest for 1 week, after which they will be able to return to their regular routine. All sutures are removed 1 week post-op, and the incision usually heals imperceptibly. Dr. Torgerson ensures that his post-surgical patients are given detailed instructions in their Facial Cosmetic Surgery preparation package. They are also given his direct contact information in order to have access to him at any time of day or night during their recovery.

Top Neck Liposuction Questions Asked by Patients

Can Neck Liposuction Be Combined with any Other Procedures?

Definitely! Neck liposuction is often performed in conjunction with a neck lift, brow lift, face lift, chin implant, or CO2 laser. Your recovery time will not be lengthened by increasing the number of procedures on the same day. Combining procedures will also address a variety of areas at the same time, increasing the benefit of the overall results. Dr. Torgerson can talk about the various options that would best address your key areas during your consultation.

Why Сan the Cost of Neck Liposuction Vary So Much from Clinic to Clinic?

A surgeon’s price for surgery is based on their experience, knowledge, training, office location, and the type of surgery being performed. Bargain shopping for facial cosmetic procedures is not the best strategy, especially when it comes to your head and neck, which are so visible to all those around you. Take the time to do your research and find out which facial plastic surgeon is best suited to address your area of concern and with whom you feel most comfortable and able to develop a good rapport.

At What Facility Does Dr. Torgerson Perform Neck Liposuction?

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) approves some surgeons to operate from out-of-hospital surgical premises if they pass certain strict standards. Dr. Torgerson operates out of his own private surgery centre in downtown Toronto that not only meets these expectations, but surpasses them. The benefits to patients include a more experienced team of healthcare professionals who can provide more personalized care than a hospital, surgery scheduling benefits that most closely correlates to a patient’s availability than that of a hospital, and no risk of getting their surgery cancelled in order to make room for a more urgent medical and OHIP-related surgery. Below are some insightful comments from one of the CPSO’s assessments and inspections for Dr. Cory Torgerson’s Facial Cosmetic Surgery Clinic:
Facial Plastic Surgery Quote

What Medical Tests Do I Have to Complete Prior to Neck Liposuction?

All cosmetic surgery patients are required to go for blood tests, a chest X-ray, and occasionally an ECG. Dr. Cory Torgerson goes above and beyond in his assessment of whether or not a patient is physically fit for surgery to ensure the absolute safety of all of his patients.

What is Neck Liposuction?

When people hear the word “liposuction”, they usually think of the tummy and midriff area of the body.

While this is the most common part of the anatomy where excess fat is removed, double chins are a cause for anxiety in many people as well. The accumulation of fatty tissue under the chin is usually due to gravity, the effects of aging, overeating, or in some cases, genetics. Some Millennials, still in their early 20s, experience submental fullness, where the skin sags and droops. If a person’s facial features are still youthful but they have a double chin, it can age them tremendously. The chin is the foundation of the face, and too much fullness can literally make the chin disappear.

Reducing Excess Volume Under The Chin

Restore A Youthful Appearance

Liposuction is a great solution for reducing excess volume under the chin. It produces a better, more defined jawline and can restore a more youthful appearance. The best candidate for neck liposuction is a person who still has good skin elasticity that will contract back into shape. Typically, that is someone between the ages of 20 and 50. *Liposuction is able to remove excess fat but is unable to remove sagging skin.* There is no point of removing the fullness if the skin will continue to droop after the liposuction procedure. A more invasive procedure would be necessary to remove the sagging skin.

Dr. Cory Torgerson offers neck liposuction treatments at his facial plastic clinic in downtown Toronto. During a consultation, he may suggest more invasive methods to remove excess skin under the chin. It is possible that he will suggest neck lift surgery for clients who require not only the fullness to be removed, but also the tissue to be tightened.

Natural Contour

Local Anaesthetic

For younger people, liposuction is a quick solution that can be accomplished with local anaesthetic. Tiny half-inch incisions are made either under the chin or behind the ears, where a narrow tube is inserted. The excess fat is drained with a vacuum-type suction. It’s normal for swelling to occur, and this may make it necessary for the candidate to wear supportive chin straps for 3 to 4 days following the procedure. The straps help contain the swelling and assist in restoring the skin to its natural contour. To prevent infection, antibiotics may be prescribed too. A week off of work is necessary for the healing process to take place and to recover from the swelling and bruising. Two weeks off is recommended before resuming activities such as sports or working out at the gym.

Liposuction is able to restore a more pleasing profile and better-defined jawline, but anyone choosing this treatment must be aware that it may be only a temporary solution. The results of neck liposuction can only be maintained as long as a person’s weight is maintained. Overeating may cause fullness under the chin to occur again. Also, the natural effects of aging and gravity may necessitate subsequent liposuction treatments at a later date.

If you are considering neck liposuction, please contact Dr. Torgerson’s facial cosmetic clinic today to book a consultation.

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