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How Does a Facial Plastic Surgeon Avoid Leaving Scars?

For many individuals considering facial plastic surgery, the fear of scarring can deter them from going forward with the procedure

Some degree of scarring is inevitable following a surgical procedure, as the body naturally creates scar tissue in response to any skin injury during the natural healing process. However, there are a number of interventions that skilled surgeons use to help minimize the appearance of scarring. One of the best ways to avoid the likelihood of leaving visible scars is carefully selecting a top facial cosmetic surgeon in Toronto.

Select a top facial cosmetic surgeon in Toronto

Surgical Technique

Unlike traumatic injuries that result in irregular, jagged, or concave scarring, surgically created scars can be strategically placed in inconspicuous areas. For example, the incisions made during a facelift are often carefully hidden behind the ears and hairline. Likewise, during a rhinoplasty procedure, incisions are made either inside the nose or between the nostrils, where they are out of sight. While these scars may initially be visible, their placement ensures that as they mature, they become more difficult to detect.

In addition, surgeons use a layered closure technique, frequently using deep, dissolvable sutures that can reduce the likelihood of scarring by minimizing tension on the wound closure. When dissolvable stitches are not used, facial sutures will be removed at a post-operative appointment 5 to 6 days after your surgery, which prevents stitches from leaving permanent marks.

Extensive Study of Facial Structure and the Skin

Post-Operative Scar Management

A number of measures can also be taken post-operatively to reduce the risk of scarring. Following your procedure, you will be given detailed aftercare instructions, including wound-healing strategies. Vitamin E is sometimes used to aid healing and ensure wound closure with minimal redness or scarring. Both silicone wound strips and silicone gels are recommended to treat all types of scars, as they are quite effective in flattening and lightening scar tissue when used consistently in the months following surgery. It is important to avoid exposing your scar to direct sunlight, which can lead to pigment changes. Appling sunblock to the treatment area for at least one year post-operatively may help avoid hyper- or hypo-pigmentation.

In cases of hypertrophic, red, or irritated scars, Kenalog steroid injections may be recommended to optimize scar management. Your surgeon may also recommend gently massaging the scar to manually soften scar tissue. If your facial plastic surgeon feels that scar massage will minimize the appearance of your scars, this should be done only once the sutures have been removed and the wound has closed completely.

The best way to minimize the likelihood of visible scarring is to do your research when selecting a facial cosmetic surgeon in Toronto. Dr. Torgerson is a top plastic surgeon with specific facial plastic surgery experience. As such, he has the knowledge and skill necessary to mitigate the appearance of scarring while also providing patients with tips for reducing scar tissue post-operatively. To learn more about what sets Dr. Torgerson apart, please contact our clinic to schedule a consultation at our convenient Yorkville location.

State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility

Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.

*Disclaimer: Similar and/or permanent results are not guaranteed based on the treatment/procedure and may vary from patient to patient, based on multiple factors, including genetics and lifestyle of each patient.*

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