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What To Expect After Plastic Surgery

The decision to have cosmetic surgery can greatly improve the quality of life for patients, as it can help them both look and feel better about themselves.

Still, it is important to know ahead of time what to expect – not only in terms of healing, but also what you may expect in terms of your appearance and your emotional health following the procedure. Dr. Torgerson’s office in Toronto will always give each surgical patient a comprehensive surgical package that outlines exactly what to expect post-operatively. Dr. Torgerson also releases his personal contact information to each patient and their family so that they can contact him at any time of day or night following surgery if any questions or concerns arise. Although every patient is unique and each plastic surgery procedure has its own protocols, the following is a general guideline of what is commonly experienced after surgery.

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Getting To Know The New You

Even though you will be given a good idea as to what kind of results to expect from the plastic surgery, there can be a big difference between seeing a modified picture of yourself and seeing yourself after your features have been altered. This is why the VECTRA 3D imaging helps to establish the expectations beforehand. Dr. Torgerson and his staff also remind patients that recovery is more akin to a marathon and not a sprint to the finish line. The healing process takes many months, and patience is a must.

For some people, the results can take some time getting used to, especially when they involve altering the features of your face, such as in the case of rhinoplasty or facelift. It might take some time to feel comfortable in your new skin. Don’t feel bad if you experience these feelings – they are perfectly normal. It is also possible for patients to feel as though they are in a depression after undergoing general anaesthesia for any type of surgery. This is a general anaesthesia phenomenon around the world; however, it can be easily helped. It is important that if you feel you are beginning to struggle through low moods, that you speak to Dr. Torgerson immediately.

Recovery and Healing

  • Recovery Time and Rest: Any surgical procedure will require some time for rest and recovery. Depending on the procedure being done, this may vary from a few days to several weeks. During this time, it is important that patients avoid strenuous activity and follow any instructions given to them by Dr. Torgerson.
  • Bruising: Bruising will likely occur at the incision site and surrounding areas. Bruises usually disappear within a week or so. Dr. Torgerson’s office highly recommends that patients stop the use of any blood thinning medications or herbal supplements for 2 weeks prior to surgery as these will certainly cause more bruising during the healing phase.
  • Swelling or Inflammation: This is a normal part of recovery for most surgical procedures and typically goes away after a week or two. Swelling can be controlled in part by sleeping in an upright position (in a chair or with extra pillows) for the first few days after the surgery.
  • Mild Pain: All the procedures are performed under anaesthesia, once the effect of the anaesthesia wears out it is very common to experience mild pain or discomfort. Dr. Torgerson will recommend a pain killer and give you a prescription to fill at the local pharmacy which will help you during your recovery.
  • Burning and Itching: Procedures which involve laser treatment or stitches might leave a temporary burning or itching sensation after the procedure is performed. This is normal and it is very important to be gentle and cautious around any treatment sites.
  • Constipation: Some patients may experience constipation caused by antibiotics which may be prescribed to aid with recovery. This is a not uncommon side effect and if this happens, Dr. Torgerson will recommend a stool softener.

State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility

Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.

*Disclaimer: Similar and/or permanent results are not guaranteed based on the treatment/procedure and may vary from patient to patient, based on multiple factors, including genetics and lifestyle of each patient.*

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*If you require any further information to learn how our office is fully compliant with Ontario's Personal Health Information Protection Act, please contact us to connect with our Health Information Custodian.

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