Few would disagree that winter is a beautiful—if perhaps a tad chilly—experience in Canada. However, these cooler temperatures bring with them a host of difficulties which can wreak havoc on an unprepared person’s skin. Since the temperatures will dry out the skin, cracking, flaking, and other undesirable symptoms will be more likely to occur.
If the winter weather has drawn your attention to your skin, you may wish to consider more effective forms of skin rejuvenation—lotions and creams can only do so much. One of the most rapidly growing forms of skin cosmetic treatment are laser treatments. There are a variety of different kinds of treatments, each with applications that they’re best at, but with a comprehensive treatment plan established by a medical professional, patients may find that this is an ideal way to treat skin irregularities, acne, pigmentation inconsistencies, age spots, wrinkles, lines, creases, and much more—is it really any wonder why this kind of cosmetic treatment has become so popular?
Read on to learn more about how these treatments can help rejuvenate your skin, as well as for a handful of tips which will help you prepare for the cold months ahead.
IPL – AFT Laser Treatments
IPL (intense pulsed light) – AFT (advanced fluorescence technology) is considered to be the next generation of IPL treatments. This is an area of medical technology which is constantly improving, and IPL – AFT is considered to be at the cutting edge. In addition to revealing a new layer of healthier, more youthful skin, this treatment can reduce the damage your skin has endured from the sun, resolve acne scars, remove age spots, and even treat rosacea.
This technology works by utilizing a low energy beam of light which heats the skin and reduces imperfections, making it different from a traditionally administered IPL treatment. This multiple wavelength treatment is powerful yet in most cases will be safer for the patient. It’s popularly administered to the face, but it can also be used on other parts of the body such as the hands, chest, and neck—all of the areas which most frequently get exposed to and subsequently damaged by the environment.
Other Cosmetic Considerations for Winter
Whether you’ve had a laser treatment or not, perhaps the best thing you can do for your skin this winter will be to ensure that it remains well protected from the sun. Did you know that even during the wintertime it’s possible to become overexposed to the sun? Sunscreen will help if you’re planning on spending more than a short while outdoors. Furthermore, make sure to always change out of wet clothing as quickly as possible, as it can irritate skin—despite being wet, it can actually make your skin drier. Skin maintenance during the winter doesn’t necessarily require a lot of work, but it does require consistency—drink a lot of water and moisturize regularly.
Taking Action of Your Look This Winter
If you’re ready to see how a laser treatment can reveal a new you this winter, the next step to taking action will bet to schedule a consultation with a qualified medical professional who has been trained in administering these kinds of treatments. If you’re in the Toronto area, please feel welcomed and encouraged to contact the offices of Dr. Cory Torgerson. This award winning surgeon has been helping his patients meet and exceed their aesthetic goals for many years, often with patients traveling from around Canada, the United States, and abroad to take advantage of his expertise. If you’d like to discover what working with a true professional can do for your aesthetic appeal, please (647) 343-0207 at your earliest convenience to schedule an initial consultation today.