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Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a procedure that’s intended to promote a more youthful appearance for patients who have excess skin around the eyes. Typically, this skin has become “saggy” or drooping, and some degree of puffiness may be present. For patients with bags under their eyes that give them an appearance that makes them look as though they are constantly tired or “stressed,” this procedure can offer a solution by tightening skin, removing excess skin, and reducing the amount of fat near the eyes that may be responsible for these undesirable features.

Thousands of Canadians have benefited from this procedure, not only for cosmetic purposes, but since it’s also a common way of correcting vision problems that result when the upper eyelid skin droops into the field of vision. Let’s take a moment to learn a little more about this procedure, the average cost, and how you can take action for your own blepharoplasty procedure.

What Are the Benefits of Blepharoplasty?

Eyelid surgery can promote a more youthful appearance as well as correct potential vision problems. There are 2 primary types of eyelid surgery. The one you’ve probably heard about the most is traditional or Western blepharoplasty, which accomplishes everything that we’ve discussed here today. There’s also Asian blepharoplasty, or double eyelid surgery, which is intended to create a fold in the upper eyelid of Asian patients who do not congenitally have this feature. This may help the Asian patients meet their aesthetic goals, correct vision problems, and make the application of makeup easier.

How Much Does Blepharoplasty Cost in Canada?

As everyone’s anatomy is unique, no two blepharoplasty procedures are ever conducted in precisely the same way. While this procedure is conducted with the same goals in mind in most cases, the exact nature of the procedure will vary from one patient to another. With this in mind, the average cost of eyelid surgery in Canada typically ranges between $3,000 and $6,500. This is, of course, dependent on a variety of factors, including what needs to happen during the procedure (for example, just upper eyelids or lower eyelids or both at the same time) and the financing options that your plastic surgeon offers. In many cases, a medical professional will be able to help a patient arrange a payment plan or other financing options. Compared to other forms of cosmetic surgery, blepharoplasty is generally considered quite affordable. Dr. Torgerson’s office has 2 highly recommended financing companies that patients can work with to finance their procedures and pay over time.

Will My Insurance Pay for Blepharoplasty?

It depends. In most cases, insurance policies don’t cover purely elective surgeries, though this isn’t always the case, and you’d have to consult your insurance company for a firm answer. It’s important to note that blepharoplasty isn’t always conducted for purely cosmetic purposes, because it is also a common procedure for patients who need to correct vision problems as a result of skin that hangs or droops into the field of vision. In any event, the office of your plastic surgeon should help you interface with your insurance company and assist you in exploring all of your financing options.

Final Considerations

If you’re in the Toronto area and you’d like to learn more about blepharoplasty, the cost of this common procedure, and how it may help you achieve your overall aesthetic goals, please contact the office of Dr. Cory Torgerson to schedule a consultation. In addition to having all of your questions answered about financing, during a consultation you’ll also be able to learn more about eyelid surgery, receive helpful advice and suggestions, and look at before and after pictures of the positive outcomes that other patients have had. Dr. Torgerson can be reached at (647) 343-0207 at your earliest convenience to discuss your unique set of goals.

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