CO2 Laser Treatment
The Fractional CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing is the latest laser innovation for micro-ablative skin rejuvenation.
Considered one of the top anti-aging discoveries in recent years, this type of laser has scientifically solid and significant advantages in our quest for the fountain of youth! At our Toronto laser clinic, the fractional C02 is our most intense laser. It yields premium results, which allow our clients to non-surgically rejuvenate their skin. Using advanced laser technology, a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser for skin resurfacing precisely removes outer layers of damaged skin to reveal the underlying skin, which is softer, smoother, and younger-looking. Fractional C02 laser will target fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, dark spots, acne scars, and skin texture with superior skin resurfacing and skin-tightening results.
*We invite you to experience the rewards of a welcoming environment where you can expect to be listened to, understood, and delighted with the outcome. Dr. Torgerson is here to help empower you to make the changes you desire to lead a truly beautiful life.*
What to expect for a CO2 Laser Treatment?
Laser Resurfacing
The first step in learning if C02 laser is right for you is to book a consultation with Dr. Torgerson. You will be able to discuss areas of concern, and Dr. Torgerson will provide treatment options. You can also browse through before and after photos of patients who have had similar laser resurfacing treatments done. Fractional laser CO2 skin resurfacing is an exclusively customized treatment solution that does require 5 to 7 days of downtime and is the most expensive laser treatment available. However, clients who have had CO2 tell us that it is highly worth it, especially considering the results and that it can be done non-surgically.
During the procedure, a high-energy beam of laser light is used to smooth out lines, wrinkles, and scars and remove brown spots and other irregularities. It also stimulates formation of new underlying collagen to continue improvement over time for a skin-tightening effect. Our laser clinic has its own hospital-grade approved and inspected surgical facility. Therefore, Dr. Torgerson is able to offer conscious sedation as an option for our patients. Because of this, the treatment is quick, painless, and has you up and on your way to beautiful skin in the easiest way possible! Following the laser resurfacing, patients are given Dr. Torgerson’s direct contact information so that they can contact him at any time throughout their recovery process if they have any questions. Dr. Torgerson’s Toronto office will also provide patients with a CO2 laser package that gives detailed pre-treatment instructions and post-laser recovery guidance as well. We have found patient satisfaction to be top-rated following a CO2 laser treatment, as it truly is the optimal way to address and correct a multitude of skin and aging concerns.
How does a CO2 Laser work?
Think of your skin as a digital photograph in need of high-quality restoration or a touch-up just as a damaged painting is delicately restored one small area at a time or a photographic image is altered, pixel by pixel. Fractional CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing improves your appearance by affecting only a fraction of your skin with thousands of tiny microscopic laser heat channels. Since only a fraction of the skin’s surface is treated by the laser, the areas of untreated skin form small “bridges” to rapidly speed up healing. This technique makes the healing process much faster than traditional CO2 and enables you to get back to normal activities sooner, delivering powerful results without the traditionally harsh side effects!
The First Step Of Your Journey Begins With A Conversation
CO2 Laser Treatment
What is the difference between traditional C02 laser and Fractionated CO2 laser?
The main benefit with the new and improved fractional resurfacing is that it has less potential for side effects. Traditional CO2 carried a lot of risks that, for some, outweighed the incredible results. Some of these side effects included scarring or hypopigmentation. Today, Fractional C02 does not carry the same risks or side effects, complications are very rare, and these laser treatments have an excellent safety record. The most important consideration for patients nowadays is to choose a reputable laser clinic with a knowledgeable and experienced team to ensure the optimal results.
CO2 Laser Cost
How much does a CO2 laser treatment cost?
CO2 laser treatments are the premium, gold standard in the industry today for effective and comprehensive results. At our Toronto Facial Cosmetic Clinic, full face and Neck C02 generally is competitively priced at around $4,000. However, we offer packaged pricing to patients who are choosing additional treatments such as facial cosmetic surgery or non-surgical treatments such as dermal filler.
CO2 Laser
Is one name-brand of laser better than another?
Generally speaking, the new generation of C02 lasers are fractionated, and they all work really well and are on an equal playing field in achieving incredible results. The key is making sure you choose an expert with a reputable Toronto laser clinic to perform your CO2 treatment to minimize your risks and to ensure the most effective and safest results.
Acne Scar Treatment
I’m young, but I heard CO2 laser is good for acne scars. Is this true?
Yes. Although CO2 laser is excellent at addressing a variety of the signs of aging, it is also the optimal treatment available for deep acne scars. Patients of all ages can benefit from the results of a CO2 laser treatment if they do not want to live with a remnant of acne scars from days gone by.*
CO2 Treatment
How long after a CO2 treatment should I wait to have Botox and JUVÉDERM treatments?
Our office recommends waiting approximately 1 month post-CO2 procedure (until the majority of the healing has been completed) before using Botox, JUVÉDERM, or any other dermal filler. It is important to let your skin regenerate and the healing process to take its due course first.
CO2 Resurfacing Laser Treatment
How long do the effects of a fractional CO2 resurfacing laser treatment last?
It truly depends on how well you protect your skin from sun damage and environmental factors like smoking. Natural factors such as aging, your general overall health, and changes in weight can also impact the long-term results. However, if you apply sunscreen and make healthy choices, you can maintain your excellent results for many years.
Are there any reasons not to have a CO2 resurfacing treatment done?
Yes, there are some patients who should not have a CO2 laser treatment. Reasons would include pregnancy, use of medications that increase photosensitivity, use of Accutane in the past year, chemotherapy, a history of bleeding disorders, difficult healing and/or scarring, and some uses of anticoagulants. During your consultation, Dr. Torgerson will review your medical history with you and let you know if there are any limitations for your non-surgical treatment. It’s always very important to be completely honest on your medical history forms so that your health and safety will be maintained and excellent precautionary measures will be implemented.