Facelift Toronto, ON
What is a facelift? Have you been considering a facelift?
A facelift in Toronto (rhytidectomy) is a type of surgery that helps tackle signs of aging on the face and neck. It can reposition or remove skin, fat, and sometimes muscle, to bring back a more youthful appearance.
Facelift surgery in Toronto has long been one of the top 5 cosmetic surgery procedures. And as more men and women are comfortable talking about “work” they’ve had, interest in facelifts grows.
As we age, the diminishing production of skin building blocks like collagen and hyaluronic acid (HA) leads to a gradual breakdown in firmness and elasticity. And because bone structure and mid-face fat pads shift and shrink, hollows and folds form. Face shape and proportions may change.
Dr. Cory Torgerson – Highly Trained Facial Plastic Surgeon
Signs of aging that a Toronto facelift can improve
- Sagging facial skin
- Noticeable creases between the nostrils and mouth
- Loss of volume in facial fat – especially the cheeks, temples, and around the eyes
- Downward-shifted skin on your cheeks or jawline, often called jowls
- Loose skin, prominent bands, and extra fat on your neck
Keep in mind that while facelifts can reduce some signs of age, they can’t stop the aging process. They also don’t fix superficial wrinkles, sun damage, or uneven skin texture.
Luckily, once the foundation is reset, there are numerous ways to improve all levels of complexion health to revive your glow.
The appearance of your face tells a story. You may feel that your outer age doesn’t reflect your inner energy and vibrance.
You may also feel that just a few improvements are needed, while you embrace certain changes that reflect character and experience.
A facelift can address areas that matter to you while maintaining a natural overall impression that you’re comfortable with. The goal is to let your best self shine through.
How Much Is a Facelift in Toronto?
The cost of a facelift in Toronto with Dr. Torgerson is all-inclusive, covering surgeon fees, facility costs, anesthesia, and pre- and post-op appointments.
Fees typically range from $13,500 to $22,000, but they can vary based on the type of facelift and additional treatments added. Prices may change over time.
During your initial consultation, Dr. Torgerson will listen to your goals, assess your facial structure, and then recommend an approach to help you achieve what you want.
What Is the Most Natural-Looking Facelift in Toronto?
A natural-looking facelift process may be very complex yet leave you looking like you’ve simply aged gracefully. To some degree, underlying fat and tissue layers must be altered, because changes in your face aren’t just skin-deep.
The most natural facelift for Toronto patients comes down to individual bone structure, tissue characteristics, and patient goals. That means more than one approach could be the “most natural facelift,” but a few key factors come into play.
The best facelift in Toronto avoids putting excess tension on skin. Instead, the magic happens underneath.
The SMAS technique offers flexibility for surgeons to lift the underlying SMAS muscles in a different direction than the skin itself.
With variations like SMAS Plication and SMASectomy, facelift surgeons customize the procedure to reposition volume and balance proportions in the lower face and neck.
A deep plane facelift allows adjustments in the deepest layer and elevation of tissue in the midface/upper cheek area.
It’s normal to see hollowing with age, but SMAS tissue grafts or fat can be placed in depleted spots like the cheeks, under-eyes, and lips. The existing facial fat pads can also be moved, and deep muscles or ligaments can be tightened and lifted for long-lasting, age-defying effects.

The Future of Facelifts in Toronto is Bespoke – Customized Just for You
The bottom line? Your best Toronto facelift approach might not be someone else’s.
Your Toronto facelift surgeon will assess several factors, then make a recommendation to get the most satisfying, natural-looking result for your face.
Unlike the old days when facelift results shared uncanny, visual similarities, now procedures vary from patient to patient and for different ages.
You can be selective. Such individualization is the cornerstone of today’s well-performed, expert facelift.
What Are the Different Types of Facelifts in Toronto?
If you’re curious, or planning a facelift in Toronto, you’ll come across numerous methods that target areas of the face and neck.
A traditional facelift involves incisions around the ears, hairline, and under the chin. The surgeon gently separates skin from tissues underneath, tightening muscles and support structures in the face, then removes excess fat from the neck or jowls if necessary. The overlying skin is placed back naturally, and excess is trimmed away.
This type of surgery can provide a dramatic refresh to the whole upper 2/3 of the face and results in a patient appearing 10 years younger on average.
- A SMAS (superficial musculo-aponeurotic system) facelift focuses on the lower two-thirds of your face and is a twist on the classic facelift. The SMAS layer and the skin are lifted independently, unlike a deep plane lift where everything—skin, muscles, and SMAS—gets elevated together. This type of facelift is ideal for younger patients who wish to roll back early signs of aging, such as jowls and deepening smile lines.
- A deep plane facelift in Toronto will elevate the SMAS layer, along with the ligaments, fat, and skin, all together. Sometimes known as a vertical vector facelift, this approach usually addresses several regions of the face cohesively. It’s a useful method for creating more dramatic, long-lasting improvements in the neck, jawline, and midface/cheeks.
- A mid-facelift focuses on rejuvenating the cheeks. The surgeon will reposition the fat in that area and tighten the skin, which can help patients appear refreshed and more youthful again.
- A mini facelift is often suggested for people in their late 30s or 40s who show only early signs of aging. This popular Toronto facelift focuses on lifting the lower face around the mouth and jawline, along with the neck in some cases. It tends to be less extensive, and recovery is faster than for full facelifts.
- Cutaneous facelifts deal exclusively with skin, concentrating on the neck and lower face. Until the 1960s, most facelift surgeries pulled the skin tight. This one-dimensional strategy led to the well-known, mask-like look that many associate with botched facelifts.
Today, the skin-only method has been left behind for more holistic SMAS and deep plane techniques that avoid a “pulled skin” result.
You Choose Your Facial Plastic Surgeon Expert
What Do I Need to Know Before Getting a Facelift in Toronto?
The following is a brief checklist to prepare you for your facelift. Your facelift surgeon will review a much more detailed, personalized pre-operative planning checklist.
Can you confirm the following?
- You’re in good health and don’t have medical conditions that affect your ability to heal. Your facelift surgeon will do all they can to minimize trauma and ensure a rapid recovery. The faster you heal, the less likely you will be to face complications like infection or scarring.
- You don’t smoke or drink significant amounts of alcohol. Numerous substances, including these, can limit blood flow. That slows healing or causes unwanted bleeding and bruising.
- You’re mentally prepared and have realistic expectations. Following a facelift in Toronto, anticipate some swelling and bruising in the healing phase. Scars are part of the process too, but they can be minimized and hidden well. Some initial pain and discomfort are expected. Knowing what to expect makes the experience more positive and manageable.
- You have a plan for recovery and support. While some people prefer more assistance at home than others, everyone needs to be accompanied home or to their hotel on the first night by a responsible adult. Planning time off from the gym, postponing video calls and meetings, and prepping easy meals can all be part of planning that makes recovery a breeze.
- The ideal candidates for a facelift show aging but still have elasticity in their skin. This tends to be people in their 40s to 60s, but it’s not uncommon for younger or older people to be good candidates as well.
How Long Does Facelift Recovery Take?
The recovery timeline after a facelift in Toronto can depend on which method and surgery combinations a person has had.
1-14 days:
- Most swelling and bruising should go down in this period
- It’s a good idea to take it easy during the first week, but move around your home to keep blood flowing
- Usually the incisions will be closed by the 2-week mark
- After 2 weeks, all bathing and swimming is permitted
- Many people choose to work from home and avoid crowds for about 14 days
- No hitting the gym or intense workouts during this time
- Avoid bending over or lifting heavy items
- Make sure to protect your skin from the sun
2-6 weeks:
- You can begin scar care treatments
- After about 4 weeks, any swelling or tightness will be subtle, and usually only the patient notices it
- You can usually resume cardio after 3 weeks
- Feel free to jump back into all workouts and fitness routines after 6 weeks
- Continue to protect your skin and scars from sun exposure
- During this time, you might notice numbness or strange sensations due to temporary nerve strain and healing
- You will have a follow-up appointment to check on your progress
Facelift Toronto
Is It Better to Have a Facelift or Fillers?
The clearest sign that you might be ready for facelift surgery is that you’ve been treated with fillers for years, yet they don’t provide the results that they once did.
At some point, skin laxity and deeper lines will not benefit from the additional volume and weight of HA gel. Too much of a good thing can add a full, “puffy” appearance that most people don’t want.
HA fillers can be useful for spot treating the face. However, there’s no substitute for the lifting and toning effects of an expertly done facelift for Toronto clients who’ve outgrown fillers.
Can you get a facelift if you’ve had fillers? Yes, many people do.
Hyaluronic acid fillers can be dissolved with hyaluronidase before surgery, and HA gel can be manually removed where your surgeon has access. If planning a facelift in Toronto is a priority, it will help to avoid getting permanent fillers or PDO thread insertion, which forms scar tissue that’s tricky to work with.
Facelift Toronto
What Is the Best Age to Get a Facelift?
There’s a common myth that facelifts are only for people showing advanced signs of age. But you don’t need to wait for major sagging and wrinkles to intervene. You can be proactive and take steps to dial back the process so you look your best at every age.
Men and women in Toronto get facelifts in their 40s, 50s, or 60s. There’s really no “ideal age” for a facelift, as everyone ages differently due to genetics, lifestyle, and environment.
Keep in mind that facelift results usually last from 7 to 10 years. Some people might have their first facelift in their 40s or early 50s, then opt for a second refresh procedure in their 60s.
Most people who choose a mini face lift are only beginning to notice the effects of gravity, like jowling or a downturned mouth. It’s even possible to see these changes in the late 30s. This can be an excellent, preventative facelift, because it seemingly pauses the aging process and allows people to extend their youthful appearance for years.
They buy some time and minimize what’s needed down the road.
The First Step Of Your Journey Begins With A Conversation
Facelift Surgery
How Does a Mini Facelift Compare to Non-Surgical Lifts?
While non-surgical treatments like wrinkle injections and dermal fillers are excellent for treating natural asymmetries and brow lines and for proportion balancing, they work best in relatively elastic, toned skin.
A mini facelift treats underlying changes in the structure of muscle, fat, and skin. Nonsurgical methods can’t remove or tighten tissue.
In some cases, mini facelift surgery at a younger age may prove less expensive than non-surgical alternatives in the long run. The diminishing effects of injectables can feel a little “hit or miss” after a while, but a mini facelift is a precise, targeted investment that can give you a break from chasing aging.
Facelift Recovery
What Can You Expect During Facelift Recovery?
Right after your facelift surgery, you’ll be taken to a comfortable recovery room where you’ll rest with a nurse at your side until you’re ready to leave. This usually takes a couple of hours.
You’ll have a bandage around your face to minimize swelling and bruising. Your surgeon will give you a prescription for pain medication and possibly a few other things to help prevent infection and swelling.
You can expect swelling to begin shortly after surgery and to increase over the first few days. Some people are quite concerned to see themselves appearing tight and very puffy. Rest assured, your body’s natural, healthy response brings swelling (fluid) to your facial tissues to help you heal. After Day 3 or 4, it begins to reduce rapidly, and most people see great progress by one week.
You’ll have bandages removed the day after facelift surgery. Then you’ll wear a compression garment and gently cleanse your incisions each day.
Most often, sutures will come out at 1 week, and some may stay in until the 2-week mark.
Facelift Toronto
How Can You Ensure You Get the Facelift Result You Want?
Most people say they want to look just like themselves, but younger.
This natural facelift result, without a “windswept” or pulled appearance, is exactly what facelift surgeons want for you too.
- Regardless of technique, a capable surgeon who is well-versed in their method and develops personalized treatment plans, is crucial for great results.
- Patients who prioritize attending follow-up visits and who follow instructions will achieve a satisfying outcome, no matter which facelift technique they go for.
- Another vital step toward results that you love is to choose a Royal College-certified (Canadian equivalent of “Board-certified”) facial plastic surgeon or head and neck specialist who focuses their practice on the face, as opposed to general surgery.
- Toronto facelift procedures, like many other valuable investments, are best performed by surgeons who have a long history in this specific area, with a portfolio of impressive results.
- Lastly, bring questions and speak freely during your consultation. Your surgeon will understand if you are nervous. Great communication is the foundation of a satisfying relationship with your Toronto facelift surgeon.
Facelift surgery is about more than smoothing away lines and giving your youthful jawline a comeback. It’s a transformation journey that can lead to improved confidence and a whole new lease on life. You deserve to see the real you smiling back in the mirror. Schedule a consultation to begin planning a change for the better.
Toronto Facelift Combinations That Pair Perfectly
In many cases, those who plan their facelift in Toronto with Dr. Torgerson choose to add on procedures that will boost results beautifully, such as:
- Blepharoplasty (eyelid lift)
- Facial implants
- Brow lift
- J-Plasma neck tightening
- CO2 laser skin resurfacing
- PRP (platelet-rich plasma therapy)
Certain non-surgical treatments like CO2 laser can be done while the patient is asleep, so they can skip the additional discomfort or appointments.
What Are Possible Complications of a Facelift?
Surgery involves risks, because it is invasive and uses anesthesia, but many facelift complications can be avoided. Thorough discussions with your plastic surgeon and their team will get you prepared and confident.
Uncommon risks for surgery include:
- Anesthesia issues
- Blood clot formation
- Infection
- Wound healing delay
- Hematoma (blood accumulation under skin)
- Numbness or changes in skin sensation
- Facial nerve injury
- Hair loss at the incision sites
- Scarring
To minimize these issues, clinics perform careful patient screening, assessments, and lab work. The surgeon’s skill is also vital for reducing risks, and follow-up appointments are necessary to avoid complications like infections or visible scars.