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It wouldn’t be an overstatement to say that we live in a society where looks matter. In fact, research has indicated that having a more youthful facial appearance can dramatically improve the way you’re perceived by other people—that is to say, the assumptions they make about you as a person based upon your aesthetic appeal. Naturally, this will affect nearly all areas of your life, ranging from how you’re seen in the workplace to how you’re seen in the social world. Additionally, having the facial features that you find attractive personally will make you feel more confident, bold, and attractive.

It’s for these reasons and more that facelift surgery has become more and more common. The amount of people who want this surgery have, of course, prompted the medical community to focus quite a lot of time and resources on developing the safest and most effective methods to help patients achieve their aesthetic goal outcomes. This means that facelift surgery is more affordable, safer, and can be conducted through a variety of methods by surgeons who become continually more experienced in this kind of cosmetic surgery.

In a nutshell, it’s perhaps one of the best times in history to be interested in having a facelift Toronto residents will find beautiful and natural-looking. But what’s the real scoop? Do facelift surgeries give you a completely wrinkle-free face? The answer is a little more complicated than a simple yes or no. Because everyone’s anatomy is different, every facelift surgery is different. Your goals might be completely different than those of another patient, and that’s why having excellent communication with your plastic surgeon is paramount to the success of your facelift.

The medical professionals at the offices of Dr. Cory Torgerson believe that communication is key in all things. These qualified and polite individuals are there to help you achieve your goals, and the only way to do that is by ensuring that they know exactly what you want. If you’d like to learn more about your cosmetic surgery options in a safe environment with well-informed people, please feel more than welcome to reach out and schedule a consultation today by dialling (647) 343-0207.

How Does a Facelift Work? Will it Get Rid of All of My Wrinkles?

As stated above, no two facelift surgeries are the same. However, if you decide to have one, you’ll know exactly what to expect after having a handful of detailed consultations with your cosmetic surgeon of choice.

The procedures conducted during your facelift surgery will depend on your goals and the advice of your plastic surgeon. For example, you may have a browlift, which will tighten the skin on your forehead to reduce the lines there. You may also have an eyelift, which involves the surgical repositioning of the skin near the eyes and/or the eyelids to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and “crow’s-feet.”

Many facelift operations will also include a necklift. This procedure can offer a more uniform look, since some patients feel that a neck that sags or droops after having a facelift may not be an aesthetically pleasing look. A neck lift involves pulling back the skin near the neck and chin and, in many cases, it can promote a smooth, youthful jawline.

The procedures that will be involved in your facial rejuvenation treatment or facelift surgery are entirely dependent upon your goals and unique anatomy. Will a facelift get rid of all of your wrinkles? It’s certainly possible, but the only way to know is to find out. Call (647)343-0207 for a consultation at the office of Dr. Cory Torgerson today.

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