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Bags underneath the eyes can be an undesirable trait, and for many patients, they appear either as part of the natural ageing process or as a result of genetics. Whether the bags under your eyes are the result of the rigours of gravity or you were simply born with them, blepharoplasty is an exceedingly popular solution to this common problem. In fact, eyelid surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the world. Even though it’s called eyelid surgery, this cosmetic treatment can also reduce the appearance of bags, dark circles, or puffiness under the eyes. Let’s explore in a bit more detail how the procedure works and how it may be able to help you reach your aesthetic or functional goals.

How Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Can Remove Under-Eye Bags

Blepharoplasty is a procedure that involves removing excess skin from around the eyes. The tissue will be tightened, and it’s possible that small pockets of fat will also be removed during the operation. These modifications can result in the significant reduction or complete removal of bags, dark circles, or puffiness that appear underneath the eyes.

Do I Need Cosmetic Blepharoplasty or Functional Blepharoplasty?

Did you know that blepharoplasty isn’t strictly a cosmetic procedure? In many cases, it might be considered functional blepharoplasty, which means that the goal of the procedure is to correct vision problems. Ptosis is a condition in which the skin of the upper eyelid becomes saggy or droopy and obscures the patient’s field of vision. In those cases, the procedure would be considered functional. Similarly, bagginess or puffiness underneath the eyes can make it difficult or impossible for patients to wear glasses or insert contact lenses. Blepharoplasty may be used to both enhance functionality as well as increase the overall aesthetic appeal of the patient.

Will The Effects of Blepharoplasty Be Long Lasting?

No plastic surgery should ever be claimed to yield long lasting results, although it’s a safe assumption that for many patients, blepharoplasty offers long-lasting results that can benefit your overall aesthetic or functional appeal for years and even decades to come. It’s important to note what eyelid surgery does and does not address. As it removes excess skin from around the eyes, it’s helpful for drooping, sagging skin, including what causes bags to appear under the eyes. However, it does not correct lines or wrinkles at the corners of the eyes (“crow’s feet”), nor does it lift the eyebrows or tighten the skin in the forehead. To resolve these common undesirable aesthetic features, discuss the possibilities with your plastic surgeon. There’s a reasonably good chance he or she will suggest a treatment plan that involves dermal fillers and/or a brow lift in addition to your blepharoplasty procedure.

Learn More About How to Get Rid of Bags Under Your Eyes

To discover more about how to remove bags from underneath your eyes with blepharoplasty or other cosmetic treatments, you may wish to speak with a qualified plastic surgeon. During your initial consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to not only ask the questions that pertain to your unique anatomy and goals, but also to undergo a non-invasive evaluation. After this evaluation, the medical professional can provide you with their expert opinion on which procedures or treatments would most benefit you.

If you’d like to learn more about blepharoplasty or any other kind of cosmetic treatment, please feel welcomed and encouraged to contact the award-winning offices of Dr. Cory Torgerson, an experienced Toronto-area plastic surgeon. Dial (647) 343-0207 at your earliest convenience to schedule a consultation and evaluation so that you can take control of your aesthetic and functional needs within a friendly, professional environment.

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