Dermal Filler for Contouring the Face
A newborn face is like a canvas: so clear, flawless, and fresh
When we are young, days, weeks, and years pass, new layers are added, and every stroke is frantic, bohemian, laid at its own will.
Transformation of the Weak Chin
Teosyal Ultra Deep
Each face expresses its own unique beauty, but what if a stroke here or there was calculated and well-placed? New dimensions are unveiled. The eye will quickly focus on fine and intricate details, and this is when a piece of art can turn into a masterpiece . . .
Dermal fillers are an important part of the facial plastic surgeon’s palette. Dermal filler is most commonly used to contour, fill, uplift, and create dimension and depth.
Men and women alike yearn for specific physical attributes that increase desirability. A weak chin and jawline on a man can be transformed into a stronger and more masculine profile simply by injecting filler such as Teosyal Ultra Deep.
Achieving Aesthetic Ideals
Non-Surgical Nose Job
Filler can also add structure and create new angles for sculpted, well-defined cheekbones, which are coveted by both sexes.
Noses that droop or have ridges and valleys and slight deviations can be corrected with non-surgical nose jobs to be more symmetrical, pert, and streamlined.
Women focus on achieving certain traits that emphasise feminine beauty: defining and plumping the lips (Teosyal Kiss), lifting and rounding the cheeks, and filling out hollowed temples, creating a more youthful face.
Dermal filler is the sculptor’s choice – tried and true for achieving aesthetic ideals!
State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility
Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.