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5 of the Most Popular Reasons to See a Cosmetic Surgeon in Toronto

The world of cosmetic surgery is constantly evolving.

Whether it’s new surgical techniques, cutting-edge technology, or patient preferences and trends, there’s always something new and exciting to look out for. Although there are a variety of cosmetic procedures on the market today, there are a few that stand out in their popularity. Here are 5 of the most popular treatments sought by patients seeing a cosmetic surgeon in Toronto.

Creating an Overall Refreshed and Youthful Appearance

Cosmetic Treatments in Toronto

1. Facelift – Also known as a rhytidectomy, the facelifts is one of the most popular surgeries performed by cosmetic surgeons in Toronto. By repositioning the facial features to produce a naturally tightened and lifted look, patients are able to take years off of their appearance and enjoy a refreshed and rejuvenated look. In a facelift, incisions are usually made at the temples, ears, and lower scalp to address areas of the face where skin elasticity and muscle tone have been lost with age. A facelift is frequently combined with another procedure such as a neck lift or brow lift to improve sagging skin all over the facial area and create a more cohesive and natural look.

2. Eyelid surgery – Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is another popular treatment used by patients looking to create a more rested and rejuvenated appearance. During eyelid surgery, excess skin and fat is removed from the eyelid area, which can also reduce the appearance of dark under-eye circles. The procedure can be performed on the upper lids, lower lids, or both eyelids, depending on the outcome you are looking for.

3. Brow lift – A brow lift is a procedure that aims to elevate drooping eyebrows and reduce the appearance of frown lines across the forehead. When performing a brow lift, the cosmetic surgeon will typically make the incisions in the frontal hairline so that they are well hidden. This procedure is often combined with eyelid surgery to create an overall refreshed and youthful appearance.

How to Look Better Than You Have in Years

Seeking a Cosmetic Surgeon in Toronto

4. Lip augmentation – The primary goal of a lip augmentation is to create fuller lips and smooth away fine lines surrounding the mouth. During this quick, non-surgical procedure, injectable filler is used to enhance the lips. Depending on their goals and the existing lip condition, patients can choose from various dermal fillers to achieve the results they would like.

5. Botox – Botox is an extremely popular non-surgical treatment among patients looking to reduce their appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. While the majority of patients use it as a means to reduce the visible signs of aging, many millennials are also using it as a preventative measure for fine lines, particularly around the eyes and forehead area. Since Botox works by paralyzing the muscles underneath the skin, it is also sometimes used to treat excessive sweating and other muscular disorders.

If you are seeking a cosmetic surgeon in Toronto, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the options of clinics offering anti-aging treatments. One of the key things to consider when looking for a cosmetic surgeon is that they are certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada as well as have specific training in the procedure that you are considering.

Dr. Cory Torgerson is one of Canada’s most recognized facial cosmetic surgeons, practicing out of his state-of-the-art facility in Yorkville, Toronto. His clinic offers a broad range of surgical and non-surgical options to have you looking and feeling better than you have in years.

To find out more, we welcome you to contact our clinic for a consultation.

State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility

Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.

*Disclaimer: Similar and/or permanent results are not guaranteed based on the treatment/procedure and may vary from patient to patient, based on multiple factors, including genetics and lifestyle of each patient.*

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