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Learn 2 Ways the Best Plastic Surgeons in Toronto Prevent an “Overdone” Look

In the past, the term facelift alone may have conjured up images of an overly “done” and pulled back look.

However, now more than ever, with the recent advancements in medical techniques and trends, people are looking for subtle and natural results following their cosmetic procedure. Yet it is only the most skilled and experienced surgeons who are able to achieve these natural results. When it comes to preventing an “overdone” look, there are a couple of techniques that the best plastic surgeons in Toronto use.

Producing Natural-looking Results

Facial Cosmetic Surgery

One of the best ways surgeons are able to prevent the pulled-back look is to avoid stretching the skin. In the past, many surgeons would simply pull the skin taut and then trim off the excess when performing a facelift. If the skin is pulled tight without addressing the deep structures properly, the results of the procedure are typically unnatural and “overdone”-looking.

Today, the best plastic surgeons in Toronto are using incisions on the sides of the face to create flaps that then allow them to access the thin layer of muscles below the skin. In doing so, they are able to create the access they need to essentially reposition the facial features to where they used to be. Although there is still some trimming of excess skin, it is much more natural-looking when combined with this type of technique.

Another way surgeons are preventing the overdone look is by making sure that the skin is not pulled straight back. By ensuring that the elevation of the face is in an upward direction rather than pulled straight back, an obvious windswept look can be avoided.

Turning Back the Clock on Aging Skin


Surgeons who have specialized training in facial cosmetic surgery are the most skilled when it comes to determining where and how much to lift and tighten the skin to produce the most natural-looking results. To get natural results for a facelift, there is a lot of artistry involved. No two surgeons’ work and skill will be the same. However, it’s imperative to research and choose a surgeon who is not only certified, but has specific expertise in facial cosmetic surgery with the experience and education to back it up.

Dr. Cory Torgerson is one of Canada’s most recognized facial plastic surgeons with a focus on head and neck surgery. With extensive training and experience specifically in facial cosmetic surgery, he prides himself on providing his patients with the most natural-looking results possible.

Drawing on years of experience, Dr. Torgerson is able to assess each patient’s individual needs and recommend a treatment route to have them looking and feeling younger than they have in years without the dreaded “overdone” look. Using the open technique, Dr. Torgerson creates incisions in such a way that they are hidden in the natural fold of the skin, allowing patients to be as discreet about their procedure as they wish.

If you’re searching for the best plastic surgeon in Toronto to help you turn back the clock on aging skin, we would love to hear from you. Contact our clinic today and get started with a consultation.

State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility

Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.

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