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The History of Modern Plastic Surgery

When a person becomes a centenarian, we all marvel at what an amazing accomplishment it is to turn 100 years old.

All the changes that the individual has seen and the shifts that have occurred in society during that length of time are discussed. Many have thought that facial plastic surgery was only a recent addition to hospital operating rooms, but the techniques of plastic surgery were born 100 years ago in 1915. As in the case of an individual, there have been many changes, improvements, and enhancements to plastic surgery over that century.

Necessity Is the Mother of Invention

Facial Moulding Surgery

A familiar saying is “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Dr. Harold Gillies was an ear, nose, and throat specialist (an otolaryngologist surgeon, as is Dr. Torgerson) from England who enlisted during World War 1. He was appalled at how disfigured soldiers’ faces were as a result of shrapnel explosions and decided to do something about it with his expertise.

To repair soldiers’ faces, Dr. Gillies would cut strips from their foreheads and transfer the flap to the area where it was needed. He would then stitch up the flap enclosing the live tissues and blood flow. Although this new procedure was crude, it not only lessened infection, but also made it possible for the men to re-enter society without feeling as self-conscious. This was the beginning of facial plastic surgery. Some may wonder why the word “plastic” is used. It is derived from the Greek word “plastikos,” which means to be moulded. Nowadays, we associate the word plastic only with man-made products. Therefore, facial plastic surgery basically means facial moulding surgery.

Look Subtle and Natural, Rather Than Obvious

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

The new form of surgery continued to improve and was used extensively during World War 2. From this lowly beginning, the industry has exploded around the world. The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery estimates that last year alone, 15 to 20 million procedures have taken place worldwide. It was born to alleviate disfigurement and now continues to be used as reconstructive plastic surgery, but also as cosmetic surgery to combat the signs of aging.

During the 1920’s, when the film industry emerged, looks became more important than ever before. Celebrity plastic surgery became popular with plastic surgeons treating movie stars, celebrities, and the elite. Initial procedures were slice and pull techniques. Now everyday individuals are able to afford facial plastic surgery, and modern procedures have developed to look subtle and natural, rather than obvious. As a top facial plastic surgeon in Toronto, Dr. Cory Torgerson advocates “looking the best you can be” at every age and “doing the right thing at the right time”. He prefers to enhance your appearance to look like a healthier and more vibrant version of yourself, rather than replicating the looks of the latest Hollywood celebrity.

Why not take advantage of 100 years of accumulated plastic surgery knowledge and book a consultation at our private surgery facility in the heart of Toronto today?

State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility

Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.

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