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Facial Contouring Surgery – Find Out How Small Adjustments Can Transform Your Life

Have you ever thought about how modifying the shape of your nose, chin, or ears could improve your appearance? Facial contouring surgery focuses on making minor adjustments to refine your look. Facial surgeons are experts at making small changes to improve the symmetry of your features without altering the characteristics that make you uniquely “you”.

Many patients are amazed that seemingly tiny modifications are able to sharply enhance their overall look and aesthetic. After facial surgery, both male and female patients note improved self-esteem and confidence.

We want to share with you the many ingenious ways that experienced facial surgeons are able to make noticeable changes using minimally invasive methods. Continue reading to learn more about these techniques plus a few clever tricks surgeons use that might surprise you.

Plastic Surgery Toronto

What is facial contouring?

Facial contouring is a broad term encompassing several facial reconfiguration techniques that are geared towards reducing the signs of aging and restoring balance to the face. As your skin ages, it will lose firmness and elasticity, and look less plump than it previously did. Here are some general results of aging:

  • Wrinkles
  • Sagging skin
  • Hollowing effect (under your eyes, lips, cheeks, and overall face)

And if you’ve had frequent unprotected exposure to UV rays or pollution in the air or you drink and smoke regularly, these changes can appear even more rapidly.

Although these skin problems occur in other parts of our bodies too, they are most noticeable in the face. That is why many people choose to get proactive by opting to undergo a facial contouring procedure. There are several components to the face, so different techniques have been developed and refined to treat each problem area. With continued advances to facial surgery, there are, fortunately, multiple options available today to help restore volume and rejuvenate skin.

Facial Surgery

Here are a few of the most common ways that facial surgeons help combat aging skin and imperfections through facial surgery:

1. Facial implants
If you feel that your face lacks contour or are bothered by a weak jaw, facial implants could be right for you. Implants for the face are compatible with body tissue and are designed to augment your face’s structure. The most common areas that can benefit from this surgery are the chin, jaw, or cheeks. Facial implants can increase the width of your jaw or make your chin more proportionate to the rest of your face.
2. Contouring specific areas
There are several ways facial surgery can help with very specific insecurities. One example is ear lobe surgery. It’s a non-invasive procedure to help people who feel like their ears protrude too much from their face. Ear lobes can be pinned back and reshaped to correct the problem. Another insecurity faced by many (women especially) is sagging skin around the eyebrows or neck. Facial surgeons can quickly address these problems through neck or brow lifts, which are minimally invasive and have shown proven results.
3. Laser treatments
Laser technology can be employed to help renew your skin’s plumpness, reduce wrinkles, treat scars, and rejuvenate your skin. Lasers like Ultherapy can even lift sections of skin like your neck completely non-surgically. Collagen is what works within our tissue to keep skin firm. As we get older, collagen production lessens and contributes to drooping skin. Ultherapy works to tighten skin by stimulating collagen production through ultrasound.
4. Fat grafting
Fat grafting is another method of facial surgery used to add volume to areas of your face that have developed a hollowed appearance. The procedure involves taking fat cells from parts of the body like your thighs or belly using a fine needle. The fat is then compacted into a concentrated substance and re-injected into specific zones of your face. With this technique, you can expect more voluminous cheekbones or a reduction of under-eye bags and nasolabial folds. By using fat from your own body, there is less of a chance of an allergic reaction.
5. Our little secret: dermal fillers

Dermal injectable fillers are becoming increasingly popular due to the natural-looking outcome they provide. They are a safe, non-surgical alternative to replenish volume to a variety of spots like your nose, lips, or cheeks. They are mostly made of hyaluronic acid, a protein that our body naturally produces in connective tissues. Fillers require a short visit to inject, and the results are visible almost instantly. Depending on the area being treated, the filler is inserted into or just below the dermis. Although fillers are temporary and will need to be re-administered, initial results last at least 6 months, with some products even lasting up to 7 years. The most popular dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid are:

  • Juvéderm, Teosyal Kiss, and Restylane are often used to fill lips because they have a smooth consistency.
  • Voluma, Teosyal Ultimate, and Perlane are great for filling areas like cheeks because they have a thicker consistency.
  • Redensity II has been shown to treat sunken and hollow eyes very well to combat the constant look of tiredness.
  • Artesene is a filler containing protein and DNA fragments, and it is used to treat acne scarring.
  • Radiesse is a calcium-based filler that can build up the chin or the cheeks and is very durable.

As with all plastic surgery procedures, it is essential to find a practised surgeon with success in the field. Especially when it comes to the multitude of options available to redefine your face. You’ll want to find the best plastic surgeon in Toronto to evaluate your specific needs and recommend a tailored treatment plan for you.

Dr. Cory Torgerson is a renowned facial plastic surgeon specializing in surgery of the head and neck. Dr. Torgerson is certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and received much of his education from the prestigious University of Toronto. Dr. Torgerson is dedicated to ensuring impeccable results that are natural and youthful. He keeps the health and best interest of each patient in mind while listening to their vision and desires. His hand-picked staff ensure that all needs are met and that each patient receives the highest level of care and comfort. If you are considering facial surgery, Dr. Torgerson would be happy to speak with you.

State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility

Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.

*Disclaimer: Similar and/or permanent results are not guaranteed based on the treatment/procedure and may vary from patient to patient, based on multiple factors, including genetics and lifestyle of each patient.*

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