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The benefits of chemical peels are tried and true. Plenty of new and exciting technology or products have come along (of course, we love effective, fantastic products), but nothing does precisely what a chemical peel can. Discover why winter is the perfect time for a chemical peel.

Visible pores? Dull skin? Have you got blotchy sun spots left over from a golden summer? This is the instant face refinisher that keeps our clients coming back for a refreshed and vibrant complexion in as little as 20 minutes.

Your chemical peel in Toronto at the Torgerson clinic can remove a whole season of grime, fine lines, and uneven pigmentation, but is now the best time for it? We think so. Here we’ll let you know why we love chemical peels and why winter is the ideal time to have one.

Dr. Cory Torgerson’s Facial Cosmetic Clinic in Toronto: your chemical peel experts

There’s nothing else quite like it. Few convenient and straightforward treatments can exfoliate and improve texture for all skin types and conditions. The anti-aging benefits are well known, and the results are nearly instant.

Like many people, you may be aware of fine lines sneaking up on you or may feel like your skin looks “blah” by mid-winter, but the answer isn’t more bronzer. It’s likely you need a little “skin professional” help, not more things to layer on top. We offer a wide variety of peel types, and our medical aestheticians are trained experts in the perfect selection for each patient and goal.

What type of chemical peel is best?

There are many types of peel solutions, and they range in potency. Chemical exfoliators (which peels are) remove a thin surface layer of skin to reveal plump, healthy skin cells underneath. The depth and degree to which they achieve this depend on the solution strength. Popular choices are alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) and beta hydroxyl acid (BHA) solutions. We’ll dive into a little background on how these work and what you can expect after: the recovery and results.

Hydroxy acids BHA and AHA occur naturally in fruits, other plants, or animal by-products. Each type has a slightly different mode of action and is designed to target specific skin types or skin conditions.

The AHA compounds work from the outside inwards, peeling the unwanted surface layers away. The two most popular of these are glycolic and lactic acid.

Lactic acid

The name may sound familiar because it’s derived from sour milk. Considered to be a milder peel, lactic acid formulas help with skin hydration and reducing hyperpigmentation like melasma, freckles, and sun damage. These solutions range in strength and are appropriate for darker skin tones ranging from IV to VI on the Fitzpatrick Skin Type Scale.

The large acid molecules penetrate only the superficial layers of skin. This makes it possible for people with sensitivities to have the treatment and benefits without significant irritation. People looking for a light chemical peel in Toronto will likely enjoy this peel, but as we advise, the best results are achieved with a series of 4 to 6 treatments scheduled a month apart.

Glycolic acid

The second most popular exfoliating peel is glycolic acid. Derived from sugar, it has one of the smallest acid molecules, and that allows for deep penetration. What does that mean for your skin rejuvenation?

Targeting deeper layers where ageing signs have taken hold is possible with the glycolic peel. Wrinkles and fine lines, textural issues, acne scarring, and pigmentation can all be significantly improved with this deeper peel. At a med spa or plastic surgeon’s office, the strength and efficacy of the professionally applied glycolic peel will be far more reliable and safer than versions sold in drugstores. For this option as well, we recommend a series of 4 to 6 sessions spaced one month apart for optimal results.

The peel chosen for you will depend on your goals, your skin type and sensitivity, and the expertise of your practitioner. During your consultation, we’ll ask a few important questions and examine your skin to create a custom plan for your specific solution.

Do chemical peels make you look younger?

You bet. Controlled exfoliation of the top skin layers not only clears away congestion, dead cells, and dullness, it also stimulates new collagen production. Collagen is critical as a pro-aging catalyst because our bodies produce less of it as we age. It’s the stuff that makes your skin firm, smooth, and plump. As we age, the natural cell replenishing and the turnover process slow down, so we don’t naturally exfoliate like we used to.

Depending on the strength percentage, the result following your peel may be that the top layers of skin actually slough off. Don’t worry, you have many layers, and the peel is carefully applied by a trained medical aesthetician who targets just the dull surface that needs removal.

People with thinner, more sensitive skin tend to peel more easily, and those with thicker, dark skin types may peel less. But the particular chemical peel solution will also determine whether you get a light glow or a more intensive 3- to 5-day peel for dramatic results.

Because of the natural cycles of skin cell growth and turnover, your results won’t be instant, but progressively healthier, more even-toned, and firm skin will appear as you heal and as you undergo repeat treatments over time. The ultimate long-term facial care plan to fight the signs of ageing would include a chemical peel every 3 to 4 weeks.

Here’s why it’s best to have a Toronto chemical peel in the winter

Chemical Peel TorontoWhile we do think you’ll get the most transformative results from regular treatments, it’s often easiest to manage the after-effects of a deep treatment in the winter.

As the name suggests, there’s peeling involved after many of these facials. You may have light flaking for a few days or even a week of pink skin and peeling surface layers. It’s essential to cleanse gently, moisturize, and otherwise leave the skin alone during this time. That means you can’t speed up the peeling or pull at the skin. Nor should you scrub and scratch to try and remove surface layers.

Waiting out the process after a deep peel means some people like to hide out for a few days. Patients often experience a little crusting, flaking, and redness. These are entirely normal signs that the product is working well, yet they may mean avoiding public and social situations for a short time.

Ask your skin care specialist how long the expected “peel” time is after your particular treatment. Share your questions and concerns so that you’ll know exactly what to expect and can plan for it.

Speaking of planning for it, what better time than during the short, cold, and dark days of winter to hide under scarves or stay indoors and heal?

You must protect your skin from UV light and avoid tanning when you’ve recently undergone a peel. The ingredients in your chemical peel are not harmful to you, but tanning freshly exposed skin cells can be and may undo some of your benefits. Following a chemical peel in Toronto, your skin will be sensitive to the sun, and you may be prone to burning as well.

We know that it’s easier to avoid sun exposure on your delicate skin in the winter when there’s less sunlight. It’s also easier to cover up and have your skin go unnoticed for a while.

For some people, a short staycation is a perfect way to refresh the complexion, then return to work and daily activities fully healed when the process is complete. During the hottest months when the sun is out, people sometimes find it challenging to plan downtime or stay out of the heat. It can be done with some planning ahead, but we think convenient peel recovery is one of the perks to freezing cold temps.

You can benefit from a chemical peel if the following describes you

  • You want tighter, firmer skin
  • You have dull-looking skin, and you want it to be bright and dewy
  • You suffer from acne breakouts and a cycle of scrubbing, astringents, flaking, and pimples
  • You have blackheads or whiteheads
  • Your pores appear visible
  • You’ve noticed an increase in fine lines or skin sagging
  • You have brown spots/freckles that you don’t care for
  • Makeup doesn’t glide smoothly onto your skin and cakes into creases

Schedule a consultation and plan your facial refresh!

Most people have some degree of sun or environmental damage on their skin, acne scarring, texture, or fine line issues. Anyone over 30 will find that their natural hydration and collagen production slow and leave their face looking less bright and healthy than it once did. There’s a peel gentle enough for the most sensitive skin and robust, dramatic peels that will take care of significant issues. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, our skin care experts would love to meet with you and discuss your beauty goals.

It’s essential to choose a reputable cosmetic clinic with highly skilled and caring staff. At Dr. Torgerson’s facility located in Yorkville, Toronto, he’s handpicked an aesthetic team to offer a customized approach for each client. He meets with each new patient to tailor a plan after an in-depth assessment. Now is a great time to target skin care goals for the new year and let us help you make your complexion dreams a reality. We look forward to meeting you!

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