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Toronto Chemical Peel Must-Have Tips for Treating Dark Skin Tones

A chemical peel is a safe, non-invasive cosmetic procedure that improves the appearance of the face by encouraging the skin’s regeneration.

To achieve this goal, a chemical solution is applied to the face to exfoliate skin cells, removing the damaged top layer of skin and improving its texture. This is an ideal treatment option for people who hope to combat wrinkles, fine lines, acne scarring, sun damage, and uneven pigmentation. Although a Toronto chemical peel is safe for individuals of all skin tones, patients with dark skin tones should be aware of the following must-have tips.

Ensure That You Entrust a Qualified Professional

Darker Skin Is More Prone to Hyperpigmentation

People with darker skin tones are more susceptible to hyperpigmentation. Thus, although a chemical peel is safe, it is imperative that the peel not be too deep. Peels that penetrate the skin too deeply can produce heat or cause erythema or redness to the skin, which has the potential to alter melanin synthesis and may cause abnormal melanin distribution. In addition, penetrating the skin too deeply can damage the melanocyte, which may remove the colour from the skin.

As with any cosmetic treatment, it is imperative to ensure that you entrust a qualified professional when undergoing a chemical peel in Toronto. Schedule a consultation ahead of time to discuss your concerns and be sure that the esthetician understands the unique needs of your skin. Your consultation is also an excellent time to discuss the recommended pre- and post-peel regime for your skin type. An experienced esthetician will be able to explain what type of peel is best suited to your skin and how it can be modified to prevent hyperpigmentation.

Peels Can Be Modified for Darker Skin Tones

The Skin Needs to Be Prepared for a Chemical Peel

To ensure that your Toronto chemical peel does not result in post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), it is crucial to take the time to prepare your skin for your treatment. For 4 to 8 weeks prior to your peel, it is necessary to follow a pre-treatment skin regimen designed to repair the acid mantle and improve the outcome of the procedure. A full-spectrum sunscreen, skin-lightening agent, and 2% to 5% glycolic acid products are recommended during this time to reduce dyschromia and post-peel hyperpigmentation. During your consultation at our facial cosmetic surgery clinic, we will guide you through the ideal pre-peel regime for you to make sure that you achieve your desired results.

During your consultation, we will also discuss how the chemical peel may be modified to best suit your particular skin tone. For example, in some cases, peels that are designed to remain on the skin for 5 minutes should be removed from darker skin after 1 to 2 minutes. Although some modifications may be necessary, most peeling agents are safe to use on darker skin tones, including salicylic acid, mandelic acid, and lactic acid.

Although a chemical peel is safe for all skin types, this treatment should be modified for darker skin tones. To prevent the risk of hyperpigmentation, a pre- and post-peel skin care regiment should be adhered to.

State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility

Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.

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