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History of Hair Transplant

Hair transplant is quite a new procedure compared to other facial cosmetic surgeries. The technology is just over 60 years old, whereas face lift and rhinoplasty surgeries have been documented for centuries.

The first hair transplant was conducted by Dr. Norman Orentreich in 1952, and this procedure has evolved into the seemless, state-of-the-art procedure we know today. FUE NeoGraft technology is now offered in downtown Toronto at the private surgery centre of Dr. Cory Torgerson. NeoGraft is a system approved by Health Canada and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that uses FUE (follicular unit extraction) technology.

20th Century Hair Transplants

Dr. Orentreich’s hair transplant surgery was discredited by most doctors until 1959, when his first medical paper was published. He was the first professional to realize that transplanted hair follicles continue to grow where they are implanted. His initial procedure was to cut grafts, the width of a pencil, from areas of the scalp where hair grew the thickest. These “plugs” were then transplanted to balding areas. Although the plugs proved to be too large, his method of surgery continued until the 1980’s.

Mini-grafting was introduced in 1984. This consisted of smaller grafts cut from a strip of scalp. Shortly after, micro-grafting of 1 to 2 hair follicles began. Most surgeons combined the two procedures, using the mini-grafting for larger areas and the micro-grafting for along the hairline. Mini/micro-grafting procedures were used throughout the 1990’s.

During the 90’s, laser was incorporated into hair transplant procedures, but not for very long. Laser was used to create holes in the scalp that grafts were inserted into. Scarring, burning, and poor follicle growth were some of the repercussions of using laser.

Another method that was used briefly was scalp reduction surgery. The bald area of the scalp was cut out and strips of hair from the side of the head were moved on top. The result was unnatural-looking and produced much scarring.

Our Days

Follicular Unit Grafting was introduced by Dr. Bernstein and Dr. Rassman in 1995. This was termed the “strip method” because strips of scalp were removed from the back of the head, then dissected by hand into follicles under a microscope. The follicles were then placed into thinning or balding areas. This method became widespread internationally by the year 2000. Although this method was the most successful to date, it was a meticulous and time-consuming chore to divide the follicles by hand. There was also the possibility of contamination of the hairs during this laborious procedure. Patients experienced pain and scarring and required a lot of downtime to heal from the strip method.

NeoGraft is one of the best follicular unit extraction hair transplant systems available on the market. Their patented micro-surgical device simply extracts the graft containing hair follicles and immediately implants them where needed. The hairs remain healthier because they are not handled and are able to continue growing. This ensures a less invasive surgery with a successful and natural-looking result. Patients love the FUE NeoGraft method because they are able to return to normal activities within the following day or two. By booking a consultation at Dr. Torgerson’s private surgical facility, you too can take advantage of this award-winning, gold standard hair restoration technology.

State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility

Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.

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