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Botox – A Cure for Overactive Bladders?

When you think of Botox, you probably think of your friend’s wrinkle-free forehead or the crow’s feet that suddenly disappeared from around your neighbor’s eyes

Botulinum toxin type A is best known for its ability to minimize muscle activity and thereby smooth out lines and wrinkles on the face. It has been used for medicinal purposes much longer than in cosmetic clinics and is one of the most studied drugs in the world.

When Botox is injected into the bladder muscle, it reduces its activity and lowers the number of muscle contractions

Forget About Leakage Problems

Botox is a purified protein derived from bacteria, and when injected into muscles or glands, it is able to significantly reduce their activity. Since 2013, Botox has been used successfully to treat people who suffer from overactive bladders. Allergan, the company that manufactures and markets Botox, estimates that 2.5 million people in the U.S.A. live with this condition. Some of your friends and family probably experience this problem, but don’t mention the condition because it is a rather embarrassing topic. Normally, when the bladder is full, it sends a signal along the spinal cord to the brain and we get the “urge” to urinate. The brain then tells the bladder that it’s time to contract, and we find a washroom. Loss of bladder control can be caused by many things, but it is considered a neurological condition when it involves the spinal cord. People who have suffered spinal cord injury, MS, a stroke, or Parkinson’s Disease often experience overactive bladders because the communication between the brain and the bladder is not transmitting properly through the spinal cord. People suffering with overactive bladders often experience leakage problems or full-blown incontinence because the bladder contracts too often. It has successfully reduced the number of leakages per day as well as the number of accidents in 90% of the recipients. Many who were afraid to go out in public because they never knew when incontinence would strike, got their lives back! Better to endure a few needles than to wear Depends.

If you suffer quietly with this condition, it would be in your best interest to book an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible

Botox Enabled Increased Bladder Capacity

Not only were the leakages reduced, but Botox enabled increased bladder capacity and a decrease in the pressure they felt from the bladder. Improvements are noticed in approximately 2 weeks’ time and last for about 10 months before another session of Botox injections is required. Some of the side effects associated with this treatment can be urinary tract infection, fatigue, insomnia, blood in the urine, and the necessity of using a catheter due to urine retention. Most of these repercussions diminish in a couple of weeks. This amazing drug has enabled thousands of people to maintain their dignity, especially in public. Although Dr. Cory Torgerson does not administer Botox injections for the treatment of overactive bladders, he can help if your self-confidence is suffering due to the changes taking place because of the aging process. Book a consultation today to see the incredible difference a Botox treatment can make for you.

State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility

Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.

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