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Should You Trust Your Primary Surgeon for a Revision Rhinoplasty?

If you are considering revision rhinoplasty, you may be wondering whether you should
return to your primary surgeon for your secondary procedure

The answer depends on a number of factors, including the reason for your revision, the qualifications of your doctor, and your level of trust and comfort with your surgeon.

The Qualifications of Your Doctor

Reason for revision

If you were satisfied with the results of your primary procedure but require revision to make a minor adjustment or repair an injury sustained to the nose, it is best to return to your previous surgeon, who will be familiar with the particulars of your surgery. Conversely, if you are seeking revision rhinoplasty because you were dissatisfied with the results of your primary surgery, it is advisable to consult a different surgeon who is experienced in revision rhinoplasty. In some cases, a second, qualified opinion may reassure you that your surgeon did nothing wrong. Nevertheless, poor surgical technique, lack of experience, and insufficient post-operative care are the top causes of revision rhinoplasty, so returning to your surgeon may increase the risk of further disappointment. An expert surgeon with experience in revision rhinoplasty recognizes the emotional and physical toll that a failed rhinoplasty takes on a patient, so they will carefully assess what went wrong to ensure the success of the revision.

Revision rhinoplasty is a more complex procedure

Qualifications of surgeon

Revision rhinoplasty is a more complex procedure and, consequently, should be trusted only to a highly qualified and experienced surgeon. In addition to being certified, it is vital that the surgeon specializes in facial plastic surgery, because that ensures that they are extremely knowledgeable in facial structures. A surgeon with extensive reconstructive rhinoplasty experience recognizes the unique nature of every case and carefully assesses each patient to determine the anatomical cause leading to the patient’s dissatisfaction as well as the most suitable surgical technique for optimal results. A qualified surgeon can rebuild a previously altered nose in a way that ensures optimal functionality while also achieving results that appear natural and harmonious with other facial features.

Level of trust and comfort with surgeon

Understandably, selecting a surgeon for revision rhinoplasty can be a stressful and daunting task. In addition to considering a surgeon’s experience and qualifications, it is important to choose a surgeon you feel you can trust and can communicate openly with. Depending on the reason for your revision, if you feel comfortable and confident in the ability of your primary surgeon, it may be best to trust them to make the changes necessary to ensure you are satisfied.

However, if for any reason you have poor communication with your original surgeon, take your time to select a new surgeon whom you feel you can trust. During your initial consultation, take your time to share all of your questions and concerns. Open and honest communication between the patient and surgeon are imperative to prevent miscommunication and to ensure that the expectations are realistic and the results are optimal.

State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility

Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.

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