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Microneedling and Redensity 1 – The Perfect Skincare Combination

In the world of aesthetics, there is no end to new advancements and skincare regimes

Microneedling has been gaining attention worldwide as a simple, yet effective way to treat the skin. It certainly deserves a top position when considering which treatments and innovations might be best for you.

Microneedling is a treatment that uses thin needles to treat the entire face

Redensity 1 system

Microneedling is a non-surgical treatment that uses micro injections with multiple fine, thin needles to treat the entire face (and in some cases, the neck, décolletage, and hands), stimulating collagen and regenesis of the skin as the micro perforations that were created heal over. Our particular microneedling system, the V2 Beauty Booster, also distributes a hydrating complex called Redensity 1 evenly to the dermis layer of the skin. This results in a targeted and measured approach that impacts skin density, skin luminosity, facial dehydration, and even minor fine lines, scars, and pigmentation in the treated area.

Microneedling with the V2 beauty booster system is safe for all skin types and ages. The only contraindications are that females should wait to try it if they happen to be pregnant or breastfeeding or patients who have a sunburn, eczema, or an active infection such as inflamed acne. The system has an incredible safety record. When the V2 beauty booster system is paired with Redensity 1 as the injection product of choice, patients will have a microneedling experience with very low risk. This is because the V2 injector gun is standardized with precision dosing and accurate depth settings. Redensity 1 is based as a hyaluronic acid. Therefore, it is perceived as a natural product within our own body once injected and will not cause an extreme adverse reaction.

Pairing the microneedling V2 Beauty Booster with Redensity I is the way to go

Microneedling V2 beauty booster

Redensity 1 was developed in Europe by the innovative Swiss company, Teoxane. As a skin revitalizer, Redensity I is perfect for restoring a glow to the skin, boosting hydration, improving skin density, tone, and texture. Its composition is one-of-a-kind and has led Redensity I to win many aesthetic awards. Redensity 1 is formulated with the B6 vitamin, 2 antioxidants, 8 minerals, and a hyaluronic-acid base enriched with amino acids. The product is spread evenly into the skin with the V2 Beauty Booster, resulting in both a corrective and preventative skincare procedure.

This combination of the microneedling V2 beauty booster with Redensity I comes with a recommendation of 3 treatments. Patients should space those treatments approximately 3 weeks apart and do a maintenance treatment once or twice a year afterwards. For people who want a high-impact procedure for their skin with minimal downtime, pairing the microneedling V2 Beauty Booster with Redensity I is the way to go. This combination ensures a safe, effective, and precise microneedling experience. Most redness resolves within the first 24 hours. The hydrating benefits can be felt and seen almost immediately after the redness has subsided. Reports from patients who have tried the Redensity 1 skin booster treatments show that an extremely high percentage would recommend the treatment to loved ones and friends as well as return for further V2 microneedling sessions.

If luminous, glowing skin is what you’re after, then say goodbye to dull, dry skin and book your microneedling appointment at our Toronto cosmetic clinic today. We can’t wait to show you the difference in how your skin looks and feels!

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