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Most Popular Non-Surgical Anti-Aging Treatments

If you look in the mirror and see wrinkles, sagging skin, loss of volume in your lips and cheeks, and age spots, you may be thinking that surgical treatment is your only option

While facelifts and other types of surgical procedures can be helpful to dramatically improve skin tone and face structure, they aren’t the only choice for people who don’t need a dramatic change. In this day and age, men and women are achieving amazing anti-aging, skin-rejuvenating results through a variety of treatments that require no surgeries, no anaesthesia, and almost no downtime. Let’s look at some of the most popular non-surgical anti-aging treatments that people are using to look younger and feel their best.

Patients treated with Neuromodulators will typically see the full results within 3 to 7 days


As certain muscles repeatedly move in the same way, the skin in those areas can become wrinkled. We often see the results of this as we age: crow’s-feet at the corners of our eyes, frown lines on our foreheads, and thin lines around our mouths from pursing and moving our lips. One way to get rid of those wrinkles is to relax the muscles that affect those areas. Botox Neurotoxins paralyze muscles by interrupting the signals from the nerves that control them. When this happens, the face in that area relaxes and the wrinkles disappear.

Dermal Fillers

Another effective way to smooth wrinkles and fill lines is the use of dermal fillers. These substances work in 2 ways. Some of them replace hyaluronic acid, a skin-plumping chemical that the body produces less and less of as we get older. Others signal the body to start producing collagen, a natural substance that helps skin look fuller. Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers such as Juvéderm, Restylane, and Teosyal are perfect for smoothing out fine lines around the mouth and wrinkles near the eyes as well as filling in areas under the eyes and cheeks—areas that can begin to look sunken and hollow over time. To stimulate your body’s natural collagen production, your doctor may recommend Radiessse or treatment with Selphyl and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy. Radiesse is a gel that initially plumps the skin, as it begins to tell your body to produce more collagen. As the gel absorbs and dissipates, your body’s natural collagen takes over, filling your skin and giving you a more youthful, rested look. Selphyl and PRP therapy work using the patient’s own blood by preparing it and injecting it back into any part of the face or body that needs skin rejuvenation treatment.

Ultherapy often creates immediate results, with benefits becoming more apparent in the 2 to 3 months after treatment


Ultrasound technology is safe and effective, having been used in the medical field for decades. With Ultherapy, doctors have harnessed the power of ultrasound and directed it underneath the skin, where its gentle heat helps to lift and tighten skin, erasing wrinkles and greatly improving the appearance of the skin in the neck, chin, and eyebrow areas. Ultherapy can also be used on the décolletage and chest areas.

CO2 Laser Treatment

This skin-rejuvenation treatment is a multi-faceted one, as it attacks many common issues that people have with their skin. CO2 laser treatment directs pulses of energy underneath the skin, resurfacing it and obliterating sun damage, blemishes, superficial scarring, large and unsightly pores, and irregular patches of skin. In addition to all of this, CO2 laser treatment causes skin to tighten and lift, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and making patients look refreshed and rested. Unlike many of the other treatments, CO2 laser therapy requires a few days to recover, as it causes swelling and a mild amount of pain.

Which Treatment Is The Best For Me?

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Torgerson at (647) 343-0207 to discuss any concerns you have and how to achieve the results that you’re hoping for. He will guide you through the options and help you decide which treatment will make you look not only more beautiful, but feel confident.

State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility

Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.

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