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Pairing GliSODin With SculpSure

SculpSure uses the process of thermolipolysis, which means it destroys fat cells through laser heating, eliminating them through the body over the course of several weeks.

SculpSure technology is integrated with a hyperthermic laser fat-removal system that applies powerful laser energy directly onto the problem area to be treated. Your body will then use its natural elimination processes to remove the dead and unwanted fat cells via the lymphatic system. The supplementation of GliSODin Skin Nutrients (GSN) Advanced Lymphatic Formula Pairing can improve and enhance the results of this treatment. The nutricosmetic line GSN, formulated by Paris-based Isocell, manufactures exclusive, physician-dispensed formulas for anti-ageing, skin brightening, detoxification, slimming, and surgical recovery. The Advanced Diuretic/Lymphatic Formula was first introduced to the market in 2013.

Designed to stimulate, reduce, and purge the lymphatic system, the Advanced Lymphatic Formula contains therapeutic doses of key antioxidant ingredients that promote diuresis and circulation and enhance detoxification. The Advanced Lymphatic Formula clears eliminative pathways for lymphatic drainage and reduces swelling and water retention, making it an ideal complement to SculpSure treatments, with added benefits like an overall improved complexion.

“GliSODin’s exclusive Advanced Diuretic/Lymphatic Formula has the perfect combination of antioxidant ingredients to protect the body from oxidative stress that can result from laser induced treatments.” says Dr. Torgerson, Toronto facial plastic surgeon. “It promotes the elimination of toxins by boosting the body’s natural defense system in eliminating the eradicated fat cells from the treatment.”

The star ingredient of the GSN line is GliSODin, a melon extract that stimulates the body’s natural SOD (superoxide dismutase) production. SOD, known as “the enzyme of life,” is a primary antioxidant found in every living species. The key ingredients in the formulation include the following.


Artichoke contains liver-cleansing properties and bone-building nutrients. This Mediterranean thistle-type plant is rich in nutrients like manganese, a trace mineral that plays a huge role in calcium absorption, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, protein, and fibre. Artichoke leaf extract has been shown in studies to protect the liver cells from oxidative damage. The liver is the primary detoxification organ, and if it is compromised, toxins build up and your body becomes acidic, leading to loss in bone density.

Burdock root

Burdock root has active ingredients that have been found to detoxify heavy metals from the blood, improving organ health with pharmacological indications that promote the elimination of toxins and reduce water retention. In traditional medicine, the fruits, seeds, roots, and leaves of burdock have been used as decoctions or teas for a wide range of ailments, including colds, gout, rheumatism, stomach ailments, and cancer. It has also been used traditionally as a diuretic and laxative. Burdock stimulates bile production and assists in regenerating liver cells. It is frequently describes as a “blood purifier”.


Dandelion is often used for the treatment of muscle aches, loss of appetite, upset stomach, intestinal gas, gallstones, joint pain, eczema, and bruises. It is also known to be diuretic; it increases urine production in the kidneys as part of the body’s homeostatic maintenance of fluid balance. Dandelion is also used to treat infection, especially viral infections and even cancer. It’s also used as a skin toner, blood tonic, and digestive tonic, which often serves as a laxative to increase bowel movements. Dandelions are rich in nutrients like calcium, vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, and antioxidants, and they can stimulate the production of insulin from the pancreas. This plant also plays a role in keeping blood sugar levels low and can be effective in preventing urinary tract infections.

Green Tea

Known as the #1 beverage for anti-ageing by many physicians, this non-fermented tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant, which contains high levels of antioxidants. Green tea contains catechins, which are polyphenols known as potent antioxidants. Other benefits of green tea include lower blood pressure, reduced cholesterol levels, improved bone density and memory, and cancer prevention.

So What Are Antioxidants, And Why Are They So Important?

Antioxidants donate electrons to free radicals to eradicate them and are consumed as a result of the process. Free radicals or other buzzwords like free radical damage and oxidative stress all stem from the harmful components that challenge and eventually damage our immune system, DNA, cellular membranes, and enzymes. Normally, free radicals, or as they’re also referred to, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), live in balance with antioxidants in the body.

It is when this balance is disturbed and free radicals multiply that damage is done. The clean-up crew, our immune system’s soldiers, loses their control and end up invading healthy cells throughout the body. The damage done by free radicals in the body is known as oxidation. Oxidation is the same process that browns an apple or rusts metal. Marauding free radicals react with compounds in the body and oxidize them.

When antioxidant levels in the body are lower than that of free radicals due to poor nutrition or they are being used to battle other incoming toxins, oxidation wreaks havoc in the body, damaging cells, breaking down tissue, and mutating DNA, leading to an overload in the immune system. The amount of oxidation in the body is a measure of oxidative stress.

High levels of oxidative stress affect every organ and system in the body and have been linked with everything from Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and heart disease to accelerated ageing, asthma, diabetes, and many more problems. Environmental pollutants, alcohol, smoking, unhealthy fats, and even too much exercise generates added free radicals with the addition of a poor diet rich in processed and refined foods that contain excessive amounts of sugar and sweeteners.

The Advanced Lymphatic Formula is developed to target free radicals and support the body’s natural elimination processes. When undergoing any plastic surgery treatment, the body is exposed to more oxidative stress from the advanced channels of elimination engaged by the advanced laser technology.

This supplement comes in a 14-day supply containing 60 capsules that are to be taken 4 times per day. The Advanced Lymphatic Formula can enhance the results of aesthetic treatments such as body contouring with SculpSure.

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