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SculpSure Is A Non-Invasive Laser Alternative To Liposuction

Getting rid of fat is not easy.

Even people who stick to a healthy diet and are consistent in their exercise routines are not always able to lose the fat that they want. There are some areas on the body where it might seem nearly impossible to lose the fat that just won’t budge. If you are one of these people who are finding it difficult to lose fat, SculpSure is a non-invasive, laser-based system that is sure to help.

SculpSure is essentially a laser that can be used to “melt” fat away. It is done using a machine with applicators that are pressed against the body. The lasers are then outputted from the applicators targeting the fat directly, killing the fat cells and eventually serving to reduce that area of fat by as much as 24% in a single session.

In the past, patients had to undergo a liposuction procedure to rid themselves of the more stubborn fat that they just couldn’t lose. This includes fat around the belly, hips, and thighs. SculpSure is able to target these areas through its specially designed laser applicators that can zap the fat without burning the skin and without the patient feeling any pain.

SculpSure requires no anaesthesia or downtime, and it allows a person to undergo the procedure for no more than 25 minutes before jumping back into their daily routine. The area that is zapped may feel a little tender for up to a week, but other than that, the procedure has no risks or pain involved. This is contrary to liposuction, which sucks the fat out from an incision made. Liposuction comes with its own risks and, despite the results, does require some downtime and therefore a little more planning.

Men and women alike have come to our clinic seeking body-contouring options, and through a consultation, they have decided that SculpSure was the better option for them, as there is no downtime involved. If you have a little extra flab around the midsection, undergoing SculpSure can take care of that for you. There are a number of reasons to consider SculpSure in addition to its impressive results. SculpSure is approved by Health Canada and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for non-invasive fat elimination.

It’s also among the safest procedures that you can undergo to target regional fat elimination. In addition, SculpSure provides minimal side effects other than a little redness or some mild tenderness. Most patients do not experience any side effects at all! No incisions mean that there is no risk of infection and no chance of scarring. Comparing SculpSure with liposuction, it is no wonder that more and more patients prefer a non invasive procedure such as SculpSure.

Depending on the amount of fat that a person wishes to target and the desired results, a patient may be recommended up to 5 SculpSure sessions. Only a single treatment, however, is required for exceptional results. No follow-up sessions are required. It’s simple, safe, fast, and easy. Also, SculpSure is able to target up to 4 areas at one time, making every appointment as efficient and effective as possible. The results are long lasting and should last for years to come.

If you are interested in finding out more information on body-contouring options and whether SculpSure is right for you, please contact Dr. Cory Torgerson at 647-343-0207. It is our pleasure to offer such a highly effective procedure at our clinic. Schedule a SculpSure session today to get rid of fat, rebuild that collagen, and get you the body that you are looking for!

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State-Of-The-Art Surgical Facility

Our facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery with a waiting room that is both spacious and inviting. Although we hope you don’t have to spend too much time waiting to see Dr. Torgerson, within a few minutes you will feel relaxed and at ease.

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