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How do I Choose A SculpSure Clinic In Toronto?

It melts away unwanted body fat, leaving visible results.

There are no incisions, no anesthetic injections and no painful recovery period. It almost sounds too good to be true, but SculpSure is an innovative procedure, FDA-approved procedure that can help you look and feel your absolute best. Here are our tips on choosing a qualified SculpSure medical professional to perform your treatment.

The Importance Of Being Earnest

When planning for a SculpSure procedure, it’s important to work with an experienced and reputable surgeon. This usually means that not only will they discuss the benefits of SculpSure, they will also be upfront about any potential complications. While side effects are generally rare for most forms of body-shaping, your medical professional should discuss these potential challenges with you. You should be able to feel comfortable asking questions during your consultation and it’s important that they leave you feeling fully informed about the procedure. Communication is the key; it’s important to choose a medical team with whom you can relate to and that make you feel relaxed and at ease.

A Brief, Friendly Chat With Your Medical Experts

It is always important that in your consultation, your doctor explains the procedure in everyday, easy-to-understand language. Most patients are unfamiliar with medical terminology used to refer to the specifics of medical procedures. It is the duty of your consulting professional to educate and inform you about the procedure and to answer any questions that may arise. They should make you feel comfortable about asking for additional details or clarification about the SculpSure procedure. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the clinic’s expertise and experience with the procedure, as an experienced medical professional will not shy away from answering you.

Overall, How Do You “Feel” With Your Potential Clinic?

At the consultation, you should feel at ease to speak openly and honestly about your medical history as well as the physical goals and expectations you have for the SculpSure process. Your doctor should discuss these goals and give you a realistic outlook regarding potential results.

During your consultation, consider how at ease your potential body-shaping team makes you feel. Having a solid relationship with the professionals responsible for your physical well-being will go a long way towards a positive and engaging experience. In the future, you may end up as one of their references and be able to share your great experience!

Why Choose Dr. Torgerson And Our Clinic For A SculpSure Treatment?

Dr. Torgerson and his clinic are at the cutting edge of non-invasive body-sculpting programs and after diligent research, we have adopted the SculpSure program as our very own. Our consultation process is caring and conscientious, which means you will receive the best treatment for your body-shaping needs. During your SculpSure consultation, your medical provider will combine treatment methods to create a regimen that will give you the best possible results.

Tell Me A Bit About Dr. Cory Torgerson!

Dr. Cory Torgerson, MD, PhD, FRCSC has already established himself as one of Canada’s premier facial plastic surgeons, focusing on head and neck facial surgery. Dr. Torgerson is frequently invited to teach and lecture across North America and he is truly a Toronto professional, as his entire medical education and surgical training were completed at the prestigious University of Toronto in conjunction with the University Health Network. Dr. Torgerson has received national recognition for his incredible surgical skills and he is board certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in head, neck and facial surgery. Dr. Torgerson’s skills have been featured nationally on City News, Global News, The Marilyn Dennis Show, and the E! Beauty Channel. We warmly invite you to be enriched by a welcoming environment where you can expect to be thrilled and satisfied with the SculpSure body-shaping procedure. Dr. Torgerson is here to empower you to make your body image a positive, healthy one.

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