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Rhinoplasty Before and After

They say a picture speaks better than a thousand words, and one of the most popular items for anyone considering nose surgery is to see rhinoplasty before and after photos of patients.

So what makes a great before and after photo? There are several things to take note of when looking at a facial plastic surgeon’s before and after photos.
One of the main components to look for in your comparisons is the consistency of each before and after photo. Indicators of a great rhinoplasty will involve photos that are taken against the same backdrop, preferably a plain background or a white wall. The angle at which each before picture is taken should be almost identical to the angle of the after photo. Unless the photos are very similar and as close to exact as possible, a prospective patient will not see the correct angle necessary to accurate judge the surgical rhinoplasty improvement.

Top Quality Nose Surgery Photos

Another important factor with before and after photos is the quality of the lighting. The photos should appear to have the same lighting and quality. One photograph should not be shadowed and the other clean and crisp.

Prospective patients should look at the various angles of the results of the nose surgery before and after photos. The cosmetic surgeon should give at least 2 various angles so that everyone can accurately see the transformation of the nose. Some examples include a side view, a front view, and an oblong view, also known as a ¾ view). Some plastic surgeons may even include before and after photos of the nostrils and the correction of asymmetry or a deviated septum that was straightened.

The rhinoplasty before and after photos should also be taken with a digital camera and be high resolution. A cosmetic surgeon who takes the time to provide prospective clients with top quality before and after nose surgery photos likely uses those same skills across the board to ensure that everything about the patient’s complete experience is top quality. The quantity of before and after photos is not always as important as the quality of the rhinoplasty photos.

we are able to provide you pictures that can help you make a quality decision about your own rhinoplasty

View Photos & Make A Decision

Simply speaking, before and after photos should not be grainy, off-centre, or blurry. As recent statistics and social media proves, sharing rich, high-quality images is a must, as they directly impact the message that a facial plastic surgeon is sending to prospective patients about the quality of the rhinoplasty work. People love viewing and sharing photos on the web, and before and after photos hold the ability to create stronger connections than text.

In fact, RealSelf surveys show that before and after photos have a direct influence on patients and their decision to move forward with plastic surgery. It’s true that consumers have become accustomed to image-based shopping, which affectsnot just the local department stores, but also cosmetic surgeons throughout Toronto and Canada. Plastic surgeons who provide quality images of their nose surgery before and after work have truly understood what the consumer is looking for in the practice of aesthetics.

If you have been considering rhinoplasty, feel free to browse Dr. Torgerson’s before and after image gallery. We also invite you to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Torgerson at his downtown Toronto surgery centre. At the consultation, you will be able to view many more before and after images of nose surgery patients who may not have given their consent to be shown online, but are comfortable with their images being shown discreetly, in office, to prospective clients. Photos help a client make an informed decision, and we hope that we will be able to provide you with pictures that help you make a quality decision about your own rhinoplasty.

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