What To Expect On The Day of Rhinoplasty Surgery
Now that you have made the decision to have nose surgery, consulted with a rhinoplasty surgeon, and have the date and time set up, you may still be anxious and not entirely sure what to expect.
On the day of surgery, you will go to the clinic or hospital where you are having the procedure done. There you will be checked in, which consists of you filling out several forms asking for an emergency contact number, current information, and any new pertinent medical information.
Checking in
A member of the medical team will want to ensure that you have a driver with you and may request your driver’s cell phone number if that person wishes to leave and come back when you are ready to be picked up. You will also have to sign a form to indicate that you understand and accept the risks of the procedure if you have not already done so prior to the surgery day.
Most rhinoplasty procedures can be done on an outpatient basis. Depending on the clinic, you may be given a hospital gown to change into. At some point, a medical staff person will go over the procedure with you again and explain the anaesthesia that will be used.
The Procedure
Finally, your anaesthesiologist will administer your anaesthesia. You will then either drift off to dreamland or at the very least go into an extremely relaxed state, which will allow you to remain comfortable while the surgeon performs the rhinoplasty.
While you are undergoing the procedure, the medical team will closely monitor your vital signs to ensure your safety.
Before you know it, you will find yourself waking up or coming around in a recovery room or patient comfort area.You may feel a bit woozy from the effects of the anesthetic – similar to the feeling of having too much alcohol to drink – but not to worry, these effects won’t last long.
You will likely have bandages over your nose, and you may feel some pain, discomfort, or swelling around the area that was operated on.
Once you are fully alert, the surgeon will come in to speak to you about the results of your surgery. He will remind you of the aftercare procedures that you should follow in the coming days and weeks while your nose is healing. This will have also been given to you in printed form prior to your surgery day.
Before you leave the clinic, you will be scheduled for a follow-up appointment with your surgeon.
Returning Home
As mentioned earlier, it will be necessary to have someone available who can drive you home. While many people feel fine by the time they are allowed to go home, it is important to remember that you are still legally impaired, and it is recommended that you do not drive at all for at least 24 hours.
Once you are home, you should get plenty of rest and not engage in any strenuous activity. Try to sleep sitting up in a recliner, as this will help to reduce the amount of swelling. Make sure you have water nearby because you will be breathing through your mouth, and your throat can become dry and irritated.
While some discomfort is to be expected during the recovery process, be aware of any symptoms that seem abnormal or extreme. Contact your surgeon immediately if you have any issues or concerns.
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