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Laser Treatments For Acne Scars And Their Benefits

Though acne is typically associated with younger people, it can affect anyone at any age.

A major skin concern among many Canadians, acne is a reaction to the overproduction of oil by the skin’s oil glands. Though this oil, known as sebum, is required to lubricate the skin, it causes pimples when it blocks the oil ducts.

The damage that acne can provoke is known as “acne scarring”. Acne scarring affects people in a variety of different ways and ultimately has a negative impact on their psychological, professional, and social lives. Sadly, there are a range of ineffective treatments commonly recommended to treat acne scarring in Canada that are ineffective and present several health risks. Some of these options include excision, punch excision, subcision, dermabrasion, chemical peeling, and microdermabrasion.

Today, the most effective treatment to remove acne scars is laser treatment. Through the use of laser and intense pulsed light, a patient receives a non-invasive treatment that reaches deeply into the skin’s top layer, allowing the body’s natural healing processes to do most of the work in repairing the damaged tissue. The procedure for laser treatments addressing acne scarring can often be completed in less than 40 minutes. Applications of up to 6 treatments are typically recommended over a period of 2 months. When completed, your acne scars will be diminished completely (results do vary depending on the severity of the scar), and the skin in its place will appear rejuvenated, creating a smooth and clear surface.

There Are 5 Main Types Of Laser Treatments That Are Used To Address Acne Scarring

Types of Laser Treatments for Acne Scarring

  • Frazel lasers are non-ablative laser and do not vaporize any tissue. Instead, they heat the columns of tissue with laser energy, thereby stimulating natural, new collagen production in the skin.
  • Carbon dioxide lasers provide high-quality results that are considered to be better than Frazel laser treatments. By emitting short bursts of high-energy laser, the scar tissue is vaporized layer by layer. Within 3 to 10 days, the patient sees a full recovery.
  • Fractional laser treatment is widely considered the best treatment for acne scars. Only a small portion of the skin is treated, stimulating faster healing and production of collagen.
  • Pixel lasers apply small pin-sized points to the affected regions, providing a highly accurate depth of penetration that is guaranteed to leave the rest of the skin untouched and intact.
  • ActiveFx and DeepFx lasers are lasers to specifically target the superficial and deeper layers respectively.

Highly Recommended To Repair Acne Scarring

Advantages of Laser Treatments

Laser treatments are highly recommended to repair acne scarring because they work as a team with the natural systems that protect and rebuild the skin tissue. Compared to harsher methods, such as chemical peels, glycolic acids, punch excision, and surgical lasers, laser treatments are the most natural, safest way to address acne scarring. The side effects of laser treatment are also minimal, sometimes resulting in temporary crusting, swelling, and/or dilated blood vessels, and potentially some blood spotting.

Visit a Certified Skincare Centre Prior to Treatment

When used by inexperienced, unregistered clinics, laser treatments without a consultation with qualified professionals can severely harm the skin.

Contact a certified skin care centre prior to getting any treatment done to ensure that you are committing to laser treatment from a trusted source. Be sure to ask about the type of laser treatment they are recommending and why, the total number of sessions they recommend, the cost, and any side effects that may become present in recovery.

Thinking About Laser Treatment for Acne Scars? Visit Dr. Torgerson

If you are looking to permanently remove unwanted acne scars in the safest, most effective way possible, consider scheduling a consultation with Dr. Torgerson today at 647-343-0207. As one of Toronto’s top laser treatment specialists, Dr. Torgerson will be able to recommend an acne laser treatment appropriate for you after completing an extensive assessment on the area you wish to treat.

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